American Express
Headquarters: New York, NY, USA
2010 Revenue ($ millions): 27,800
What makes it so great?
"I think [what] is unique is how many people really do take pride in working here. American Express gives employees a lot of responsibility, and trusts each one," says an American Express associate. That may sound like a run-of-the-mill response, but the high degree of transparency at the company is lauded by many employees.
American Express India shares details of salary ranges and their histories. The company holds Know Your Compensation (KYC) sessions, where employees learn where their compensation is compared to their colleagues. Additionally, AmEx offers the RewardBlue program, which allows employees to reward their colleagues with "eCards," "eButtons," and "airThanks" that can contain quirky, personalized messages.
The company also boasts a healthy male to female ratio at the executive/senior management level: 47% of the positions are filled by women.