丰田普锐斯(Toyota Prius)近年卖得异常火爆,为它开发一个雷克萨斯(Lexus)版本的孪生兄弟,听起来似乎是个不错的点子,但一度对普锐斯十分热衷的消费者们这次却变得异常挑剔。据Edmunds.com的报道,HS 250h今年的销量环比下降了73%之多,在所有持续量产车型中下跌最严重。可能有些潜在买家只是被热心刊物的枪手文章忽悠得晕头转向了而已。而《人车志》(Car and Driver)杂志则表示:“雷克萨斯HS 250h是一款‘折衷混合动力车型’,它在续航里程和舒适性配置中间达成了一种折衷。我们认为应该还有其它车型也能实现这种折衷,而它们的驾驶表现可能比HS 250h更好。”一语中的。 |
Lexus HS 250h
Developing a Lexus version of the popular Toyota Prius seemed like a good idea, but once-enthusiastic buyers have turned skittish. According to Edmunds.com, the HS 250h suffered the biggest year-over-year sales decline of any car continuing in production -- a whopping 73%. Perhaps potential customers were just catching up with the faint praise dispensed by enthusiast publications. "The HS 250h is a `compromises hybrid' that strikes a compromise between good mileage and a fair amount of high-brow comfort features," said Car and Driver. "We can think of other vehicles that strike that balance just as well, and drive better in the process." Snap. |