

oshua Brown 2012-02-10
Facebook有充足的融资渠道,Facebook股份每月的交易量也超过了几百家纳斯达克上市公司。没错, Facebook事实上的IPO早就完成了。





    And in terms of liquidity, Facebook shares have traded more than $600 million in volume -- hundreds of thousands of shares per month -- on private exchanges like SharesPost and SecondMarket since last summer. In comparison, there are 464 publicly listed stocks on the Nasdaq that traded less than 200,000 shares last month.

    If this were any other market era, Facebook would have come public much earlier in the company's evolution. It would have had no choice -- the relatively few private stakeholders would have demanded the liquidity that comes along with a public offering and the management would have been eager to raise the capital.

    In this day and age, however, Facebook's been able to obtain all of the benefits of being "public" without the formality of actually filing. Bottom line: the only difference between Facebook now and Facebook post-IPO will be the existence of a ticker symbol. Sorry if I dampened your enthusiasm.
