

Stephen Gandel 2012-05-08




    上周五晚上,共同基金经理马里奥•盖伯里主持了一场晚餐会,为哥伦比亚大学——巴菲特曾在此读研——筹款,在晚餐会上演讲的投资者表示,他们相信包括伯克希尔哈撒韦在内的美国大公司的股票现在值得买入。哥伦比亚大学著名投资学教授、第一雄鹰基金(FirstEagle Funds)研究总监布鲁斯•格林沃德指出,由于利率极低,消费者的债务负担实际上减轻了一半,这应该会促进今年的经济发展。他还称,更重要的是事实证明欧洲经济比很多人想象中更有弹性。“尽管欧洲面临诸多问题,经济还是只下滑了0.5%,仍比两年前的形势要好。”格林沃德说。


    总的来说,包括冬青基金(Wintergreen Fund)经理戴维•温特斯和来自Gardner Russo & Gardner公司的汤姆•罗素在内,所有与会投资者都认为大盘股的机会更大,好过小盘股或科技股。格林沃德称,养老金基金和其他资产转为对冲基金的现象创造了机会。“对冲基金的成本结构迫使很多投资涌入中小市值的股票,”格林沃德说,“结果是一些规模巨大且安全的公司股价被低估了。”


    The economy is improving. Berkshire Hathaway's (BRKA) stock is undervalued. And Facebook is a crapshoot. That was the general feeling at a gathering of investors on the eve of Berkshire Hathaway's annual meeting.

    Tens of thousands of investors pour into this city each year to hear Warren Buffett address his company's stock and the economy, and investing in general. What they get is typically an optimistic assessment of the U.S. economy, which doesn't always square with reality. Indeed, Buffett's own stock has underperformed the market for the past three years. And there are growing signs, including yesterday's weak jobs report, that the economy appears to be slumping again. What's more, Buffett recently revealed that he has Stage 1 Prostate Cancer. He says it's not life threatening. However it's sure to raise the issue of who might run Berkshire after Buffett, 81, steps down. Still, this year, the attendees of Berkshire's annual meeting seem more upbeat about the economy in the next few years than usual.

    Investors speaking at a dinner on Friday night that was hosted by mutual fund manager Mario Gabelli to benefit Columbia University, where Buffett went to graduate school, said they believed the shares of large U.S. companies, including Berkshire Hathaway, were a good bet right now. Bruce Greenwald, Columbia's reknowned investing professor and the Director of Research at FirstEagle Funds, says the fact that consumer debt burdens have effectively been cut in half by low interest rates should help propel the economy this year. What's more, he says Europe has proven much more resilient that many thought. "Despite all the problems Europe's economy is down half a percent, and it's up from where it was two years ago," says Greenwald.

    Other good signs for the economy that some investors cited were the fact that railroad traffic was up, and that U.S. corporate profits had remained strong during the recession. Gabelli, for his part, saw a lot uncertainty in the next five months. But once we get through the election in the U.S., he thought the market should continue to improve. Even then, Gabelli says it could be slow going for the world economy for some time. "What is the world economy going to grow," Gabelli says. "For 60% that makes up the development economies, the answer is 2% or 3% at best. You need to invest in companies with pricing power."

    Generally, all the investors, which also included David Winters of the Wintergreen Fund and Tom Russo of Gardner Russo & Gardner, thought there was more opportunity in large capitalization stocks, than smaller or technology companies. Greenwald said the shift of pension funds and other assets into hedge funds was creating an opportunity. "The hedge fund cost structure has pushed a lot of investment into small and medium cap stocks," said Greenwald. "The result is that there are a number of undervalued huge, safe companies."

    One of those stocks that all the investors thought was undervalued was Berkshire Hathaway. Winters said he thought Berkshire's shares, which headed into the weekend at just under $122,000, were worth $160,000. He said investors like himself come to Berkshire's annual meeting for reassurances from Buffett that things are going to be OK. Buffett, because he owns 80 U.S. focused company companies, including railroad Burlington Northern, has a better view into the economy than most people.
