野村证券CEO渡部贤一 野村证券(Nomura Securities)曝出内幕交易丑闻后,领导这家日本大型联合企业四年时间的CEO渡部贤一便宣布辞职。 日本金融监管部门调查发现,2010年,野村证券多名员工向一些客户提前泄露了日本国际石油开发公司(Inpex)、瑞穗金融集团(Mizuho Financial Group)、东京电力公司(Tokyo Electric Power)的股票增发计划。野村证券承认,确实有个别员工涉嫌泄露内幕信息。 7月26日,其他高管纷纷辞职后,渡部贤一也宣布辞职。当天消息一出,市场一片沸腾,公司股票上涨了5.7%。此前,自从四个月前调查结果公布以来,公司股票已经下跌了三分之一。 |
Nomura Securities CEO Kenichi Watanabe In the wake of an insider trading scandal, the CEO of this Japanese conglomerate resigned after four years leading the firm. Japanese regulators were investigating Nomura for leaking information to clients ahead of planned securities offerings by energy company Inpex, Mizuho Financial Group and Tokyo Electric Power in 2010. Nomura had admitted that some employees were involved in leaking inside information. Kenichi Watanabe announced his departure on July 26, after other executives stepped down. And markets reveled on the news that day, rising 5.7% after falling by a third since reports of the investigation surfaced four months prior. |