一年年过去,苹果已经证明它才是真正的赢家,而谷歌的拥护者则继续想象着谷歌“明年”更出色。明年的这个时候,苹果的收入增长率和股市表现一定又会远远甩开谷歌,而我们还会再次听到这一套陈词滥调:“市场多么有前瞻性”,谷歌“下次”一定会胜出。 事实上,苹果在这场竞争中不仅完胜谷歌,还击败了其他所有大型科技公司。名列十强的科技公司没有一家能够紧跟苹果的步伐。时间回到2005年,那时的苹果在科技公司十强中名列倒数第二,净收益仅为当时的老大——微软(Microsoft)的六分之一。 而如今的苹果已经将其他科技公司远远甩在身后,它的净收益是大多数公司的三倍还多。此外,尽管苹果规模庞大,但其增长率依然远超其他位列十强的科技公司。不仅如此,苹果的市盈率比科技十强中的大多数都低。这种情况下,谷歌如何同苹果竞争?苹果已经独领风骚,无可匹敌。下面的图表就是有力的证明: 我们再来展望一下这两家公司的未来。通过比较两家公司预计在2013年的收入和净收益,我们来看看到底有什么理由可以让我们更倾向于购买谷歌的股票。 |
Year after year Apple is the proven winner, while Google pundits continue to cling onto delusions that Google is somehow a better value "next year." And yet this time next year, Apple's earnings growth and stock performance will absolutely decimate Google's earnings and stock performance, and we will still hear the same arguments about how "the market is forward looking" and how Google will win "next time." The reality is that Apple is not only destroying Google in this race, it is destroying all large cap technology companies. Not a solitary top-10 tech company has been able to even remotely keep up pace with Apple. If you go back to 2005, Apple was the second smallest of the top-10 in tech reporting only 1/6th the net income of Microsoft — the then leader. Today Apple far exceeds every other tech company and reports more than three times the net income than most of them. What's more, despite Apple's size, its growth rate continues to far exceed the other top-10 tech companies. Yet, somehow Apple maintains a much lower P/E ratio than most of these top-10 companies. So how is Google supposed to compete with Apple when Apple is in its own league without a competitor? The chart below speaks volumes: Let's take a look at the future prospects of the these two companies, comparing the revenue and earnings outlook for 2013 to see whether a case can be made to own Google over Apple. |