

Stephen Gandel 2013-01-11










    What's your fear about India and Brazil?

    The Indians just sort of assume they can grow at 8% without doing anything. Contrary to China, they find it really difficult to change policies. India badly needs to allow more foreign investment to boost productivity.

    Brazil's basic problem has been that their currency became far too overvalued. That added to their second problem, that the noncommodity sector of their economy is not very competitive. Unless they can do something to boost their noncommodity industries, Brazil might continue to struggle. But I add that they've done things to reduce the strength of their currency this year that are risky but quite impressive.

    People have been attributing another acronym -- MIST, for Mexico, Indonesia, South Korea, and Turkey -- to you. Will the MISTs do better than the BRICs?

    I can't see why, though I know it's a very fashionable story at the moment.

    So it's a fashionable story attributed to you that you don't even buy into?

    The acronym came about because we wrote about growing economies, which mentioned the BRICs and the four others. Some South Korean journalist got hold of that and wrote that I had created a new acronym, which was the first I'd heard about it. All those countries are interesting places and will probably do well. And some may have brief periods where they grow more strongly than China, but I think it's very unlikely. South Korea has worse demographics than China. Mexico, Indonesia, and Turkey do have very positive demographics, but they have lots of issues as well.

    You say China is changing from an export economy to a consumer economy. Which countries will benefit?

    I think Mexico is a really big winner, because China can't compete in the low-value-added industries that it did the past 15 years. And Mexico suffered badly from that. Italian luxury-goods makers continue to be winners, as do German companies. It's the right play because the Chinese consumer is the biggest investing story of this decade. And it's quite possible the U.S. will benefit. Apple (APPL) already has 20% of its sales in China. If it's going to continue to be a powerhouse, it will be because of China.
