

Mealle Gavet 2013-11-06






    摩根士丹利(Morgan Stanley)的数据显示,俄罗斯的外债较少,仅占GDP的31%。去年,俄罗斯的经常项目顺差占GDP的3.6%,财政盈余占GDP的0.4%。有多少西方国家能达到这样的水平?






    In my experience, bureaucracy is a bigger problem. In Russia, it's a beast that must constantly be fed and whose appetite never wanes. Legislation is exquisitely complex and paper-based, requiring battalions of lawyers and accountants, and from executives like me, signatures in triplicate. Complexities are layered into almost every aspect of daily business life, to the point where you can get "caught" for not following obscure laws you never even knew existed.

    Another area in urgent need of an overhaul is basic infrastructure, such as transport and communications. Despite Russia's growing wealth, rich history and world-class school system, the country does not yet have the roads or broadband connections (let alone speeds) necessary to underpin rapid growth.

    While Russia undoubtedly still has a long way to go by Western standards, there has never been a better time in history to be born here. People have simply never been better off.

    The country, a leading global energy exporter, has never been more industrialized, and its labor force has never been more educated, with increasing disposable incomes to spend both online and offline.

    While the global financial crisis has wrought lasting havoc across the world, Russia's economic performance has remained relatively strong. None of the country's banks have collapsed and, for all its flaws, government has provided a stable political environment, demonstrating that it can control inflation.

    According to Morgan Stanley, Russia has low external debt of just 31% of GDP and last year ran a current account surplus of 3.6% of GDP, alongside a fiscal surplus of 0.4%. How many Western countries could say the same?

    Moreover, educational standards are high in Russia, with technical education outperforming that of most, if not all, European nations. It's not surprising that Russian coders often outright dominate computer-programming contests held worldwide.

    In the U.S., private investors tend to be awash with funds, but with competition so fierce, they are forced to spend their time scouring for worthwhile opportunities. In Russia, it's the other way around. The ecosystem is much younger, meaning there aren't that many startups, while those that do exist often struggle to raise capital.

    Bottom line: Russia is often mistakenly viewed as a "risky country" for investments -- for all the wrong reasons. The reality is that there are bad things going on here, but arguably nothing that doesn't happen elsewhere too. Another reality is that the Russian economy is strong, the growth potential for many of its enterprises genuine, and the potential for significant returns on investments high. Ignore at your own peril.

    Maelle Gavet (@MaelleGavet) is CEO of OZON, the largest online retailer in Russia. In 2012 she was featured in Fortune's 40 Under 40.
