

Shawn Tully 2013-11-07





    The southern countries now lack the currency tool to compensate for the gap between their own excessive labor costs and the strong productivity growth that's lowering or flattening the wage bill per auto and lathe in Germany. Hence, says Aliber, Europe faces a single option to saving the euro. "German prices would need to rise more rapidly than French and Italian prices over a number of years to bring the cost of competing exports from the north and south into line," says Aliber. He says it's feasible if Germany allowed wages to grow at around 3% a year, far above today's increases. That would cause culture shock and perhaps political turmoil, but, he says, the economics would work.

    If that doesn't happen, says Aliber, the euro will fracture. "The unemployment rate in southern Europe will become so high that some politicians will say, 'This isn't tolerable' and will push to leave the euro." He's not guessing on the timing but says it will take years. The exception is Greece -- Aliber thinks its exit is inevitable no matter what Germany does but confesses he's thought that for four years. "Greece could go very quickly," says Aliber.

    I agree with Aliber that the renewed optimism on the euro defies both the dreadful numbers, and the economic straight jacket that somehow must be lifted. We learned on Thursday that unemployment in the eurozone rose for the 9th consecutive quarter, to an all-time record of 12.2%. When a central authority with powers over vastly different economies sets the values of their currencies, and hence the prices of their exports at levels that are drastically wrong, the end game is the devastation we're now witnessing. It can be avoided only by the solution Aliber advocates. The world is watching.
