

Scott Kupor 2014-01-28






    相比之下,如今不仅终端用户市场要大得多,而且支撑这些市场所需的技术成本要低得多【比如亚马逊网络服务(Amazon Web Services)、开源软件组件等】。规模经济终于发挥效力了。





    Driver No. 3: These are massive markets

    Today's technology companies are going after massive markets, the value of which dwarfs that of previous generations of tech companies. Simply put, the winners in tech today can become massively larger than the winners of yesteryear because the end-user markets into which they can sell are enormous.

    Why is that? My partner, Marc Andreessen, likes to recount a simple stat that sums it up quite nicely. When his company Netscape was sold to AOL (AOL) in 1998, the total size of the browser market was roughly 55 million users, nearly all were accessing the Internet via those ear-screeching dial-up connections.

    Fast-forward to today, largely as a result of broadband penetration and the growth of smartphones and tablets, and there are 2.5 billion people with virtually ubiquitous Internet access. And that number is likely to exceed 5 billion in short order.

    Is it really any wonder then why so many of the 1999-2000 bubble-era Internet companies failed? The markets into which they were selling were simply too small compared with both the costs of acquiring customers and the costs of the technology infrastructure (remember that $50,000 box called a Sun server?) required to support these customers.

    By contrast, not only are the end-user markets today vastly bigger, but the technology costs required to support these markets (think Amazon Web Services (AMZN), open source software components, etc … ) have plummeted. The economics finally work.

    This isn't to say that every new technology company being incubated at a university dorm will achieve the success and scale of Facebook. Nor is it to say that venture capitalists and public investors may not ultimately lose their minds and blindly pay 15 to 20 times revenue multiples for any dotcom company.

    Bubbles can, of course, happen. But we simply aren't there yet.

    Scott Kupor is the managing partner and chief operating officer at Andreessen Horowitz, which focuses all its investments in the technology industry. Previously, he was VP/GM of Global Customer Support & Software-as-a-Service at Hewlett Packard.
