解决办法何在?研究人员给出的答案是:教育。 如果人们的受教育程度的增长速率能够提升至20世纪中叶的水平,也就是说,如果美国劳动力在5年内有一年的时间在接受教育,那么美国那一段时期的GDP增速就会比正常水平高2.4个百分点。 |
The solution? Education, according to the researchers. By boosting education growth rates to those seen in the mid-20th century, meaning if the U.S. workforce gained a year’s equivalent of education over five years, the nation’s GDP would be 2.4% higher over that time period than otherwise. |
值得注意的一点是,获得大学文凭的人越多,高薪工作的竞争就会越激烈。 在短期内,对于拥有大专文凭的人士来说,竞争可能会放缓工资的增长速度,因为工作岗位的数量是一定的,但竞争的人却越来越多。然而,随着经济因产出的增加而获得增长动力,这将有助于受教育水平不高的人群缩小收入差距。 最终,收入的不均衡性将被限制在一个更为可控的区间内。(财富中文网) 译者:翔 |
There’s one catch. More people with college degrees would mean more people competing for higher-paying jobs. Short term, the competition could slow wage gains for those with post-secondary degrees as more people compete for a set number of jobs. But that would help those lower down the education spectrum catch up on pay as the economy gains steam from increased output. Essentially, it would squeeze inequality to a more manageable gap. |