

Stephen Gandel 2014-11-06


    5.富国银行(Wells Fargo)




    巴菲特是在1990年致股东的公开信中首次披露他在富国银行(Wells Fargo)的2.9亿美元投资。当时银行股受储蓄和贷款危机冲击,巴菲特亮出他招牌式的投资策略,利用市场动荡的机会买进了当时他能发现的最优质银行股之一。巴菲特说,他自己有个规矩,通常不爱投资银行类股【但他已经一次又一次地打破了这个规矩,第一次是富国银行,近期的有美国银行(Bank of America)和美国合众银行(US Bancorp)】,但当时富国银行实在是太便宜了,不容错过。

    这个决策非常明智。早在1990年,富国银行市值为29亿美元。它目前的市值为2750亿美元。去年,富国银行的收益超过了美国国内任何其他银行。伯克希尔哈撒韦公司仍是富国银行的第一大外部股东,而富国银行也希望巴菲特和伯克希尔哈撒韦公司能长期持有其股权。近日,富国银行的CEO 约翰•斯坦普夫在全美新闻记者俱乐部(National Press Club)发表讲话时称,他已经建议84岁的巴菲特削减钠的摄入量。巴菲特有常年喝樱桃可乐和吃牛排的饮食习惯。“当食物送到餐桌上时,沃伦一手抓一个盐瓶,两只瓶子齐刷刷地倒盐,简直是暴风雪的节奏。”斯坦普夫告诉听众称:“我来自明尼苏达州,我说那是暴风雪,就绝对算得上是。”

    5. Wells Fargo

    Annual average compounded return: 21%

    Total return: 9,417%

    Years held: 24

    Buffett first announced his $290 million investment in Wells Fargo WFC 1.20% in his 1990 annual letter to shareholders. Bank stocks were being battered by the savings and loan crisis, and Buffett characteristically took advantage of the market turmoil to buy into one of the highest quality banks he could find.

    Buffett said that, as a rule, he generally doesn't like to invest in banks (a rule that he has broken again and again, first with Wells but more recently with Bank of America BAC 0.76% and US Bancorp USB 1.09% ) but Wells was too much of a bargain to pass up.

    That was a good call. Back in 1990, Wells Fargo had a market capitalization of $2.9 billion. It is now worth $275 billion. Last year, it earned more money than any other bank in the country. Berkshire is still Wells Fargo's largest outside shareholder, and Wells would like Buffett and Berkshire to stick around. Recently, Wells Fargo's CEO John Stumpf told an audience at the National Press Club that he advised the 84-year-old Buffett, who classically subsists on a diet of Cherry Cokes and steak, to cut back on his sodium intake. “When the food comes, Warren grabs a salt shaker in his left hand and one in his right, and it’s a snowstorm," Stumpf told the crowd. "And I know a snowstorm when I see one because I’m from Minnesota.”
