2018年才过了不到一个月,很多股市投资者已经跟着大盘狠赚了一笔。不过贝莱德公司CEO拉里·芬克又给了我们一个好消息。他指出,从某个指标来看,股市还有进一步增长的希望。 他在上周四的达沃斯论坛上对彭博社表示:“我们还没有谈到储蓄资金池的问题。从金融危机以来,金融市场已经上涨了三倍。而全球的待投资资金池却也达到了史无前例的高度。” 去年全球各地股市都迎来了斩获颇丰的一年。以标普500指数衡量,从2018年年初到现在,美国标普500指数已经上涨了5.5%,同期道琼斯工业平均指数则上涨了6.5%,超过了26,400点。全球股市基本同步看涨,iShares MSCI世界ETF指数今年已经上涨了6%左右。 据贝莱德公司近日的调查显示,58%的美国人仍以现金方式持有可投资资产,而没有把它们放在股市或其它投资产品里。芬克还指出,中国约有45%的可支配收入都存在银行账户里。 贝莱德公司总裁罗伯·卡皮托去年12月曾表示,全球范围内仍有70万亿美元左右的储蓄资金没有用于投资。 “全球还有大量资本没有进入金融市场,这也是我认为股市将进一步看涨的原因之一。”芬克上周四表示:“想象一下,如果大家有更好的投资理财知识,有更多的人进行长线投资,全球范围内将有多少资金将用于投资?像401(K)和IRA这样的养老和教育投资基金又将产生多少收益?”(财富中文网) 译者:朴成奎 |
Though stock market investors have already made quite the killing in 2018, BlackRockCEO Larry Fink points to one indicator that gives him hope for further growth. “We don’t talk about the pool of money that’s still sitting here,” he told Bloomberg at the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland Thursday. “Financial markets are up three times now since the financial crisis, and the pool of money that’s sitting worldwide has never been greater.” That comes as markets worldwide appear to be extending their gains from last year. The U.S. stock market, as measured by the S&P 500, has risen 5.5% since the start of 2018 and the Dow Jones industrial average has risen 6.5% to over 26,400 in the same period. A similar trend can be seen globally, with the iShares MSCI World ETF up about 6% so far this year. According to a recent BlackRock survey, 58% of Americans still hold their investable assets in cash, rather than placing them in the stock market or other investments. Fink also estimates that 45% of disposable income in China rests in bank accounts. BlackRock President Rob Kapito said in December that some $70 trillion in savings is still sitting on the sidelines worldwide. “That’s one of the reasons I think we have more momentum, because of the pool of money that’s sitting around,” Fink said Thursday. “Can you imagine the type of inclusion we would have worldwide if we had better financial literacy, we had more people investing over the long run, the type of financial gains people would have in their 401(K) or IRA?” |