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Beata Zawrzel/NurPhoto via Getty Images

周三,美国T-Mobile公司(T-Mobile US Inc.)公布了未来三年的增长目标,预测随着客户增长和人工智能等新技术的增强,公司利润将进一步增长。



在T-Mobile的资本市场报告会上,OpenAI CEO山姆·奥特曼表示:“新一代模型令我们感到兴奋的诸多因素之一是,我们可以利用它为用户或客户提供个性化服务,而且在技术整合方面可以大有所为。这些模型可以研究海量数据,使用大量工具,并为用户提供相当神奇的体验。”

T-Mobile还宣布与英伟达(Nvidia Corp.)、爱立信(Ericsson)和诺基亚(Nokia Oyj)合作,使用人工智能设计移动网络,为其无线电接入网络(RAN)增加更先进的功能。这几家公司将在华盛顿州贝尔维投资建设一座AI-RAN创新中心。T-Mobile表示,AI-RAN将显著改善客户体验,并满足移动设备上最新的游戏、视频、社交媒体和增强现实应用对更快速度、更低延迟和更高可靠性日益增长的需求。T-Mobile表示,AI-RAN将使用数十亿个数据点开发算法,用于确定实现最高性能需要进行的最佳网络调整。

英伟达CEO黄仁勋在活动上表示:“我们都认为,有机会利用重塑全球最大行业之一(计算机行业)的基础技术,重塑电信行业。”这项基本技术毫无疑问将在每一个行业掀起革命。” 他表示“这将是电信行业的新增长良机。”








周三,美国T-Mobile公司(T-Mobile US Inc.)公布了未来三年的增长目标,预测随着客户增长和人工智能等新技术的增强,公司利润将进一步增长。



在T-Mobile的资本市场报告会上,OpenAI CEO山姆·奥特曼表示:“新一代模型令我们感到兴奋的诸多因素之一是,我们可以利用它为用户或客户提供个性化服务,而且在技术整合方面可以大有所为。这些模型可以研究海量数据,使用大量工具,并为用户提供相当神奇的体验。”

T-Mobile还宣布与英伟达(Nvidia Corp.)、爱立信(Ericsson)和诺基亚(Nokia Oyj)合作,使用人工智能设计移动网络,为其无线电接入网络(RAN)增加更先进的功能。这几家公司将在华盛顿州贝尔维投资建设一座AI-RAN创新中心。T-Mobile表示,AI-RAN将显著改善客户体验,并满足移动设备上最新的游戏、视频、社交媒体和增强现实应用对更快速度、更低延迟和更高可靠性日益增长的需求。T-Mobile表示,AI-RAN将使用数十亿个数据点开发算法,用于确定实现最高性能需要进行的最佳网络调整。

英伟达CEO黄仁勋在活动上表示:“我们都认为,有机会利用重塑全球最大行业之一(计算机行业)的基础技术,重塑电信行业。”这项基本技术毫无疑问将在每一个行业掀起革命。” 他表示“这将是电信行业的新增长良机。”








T-Mobile US Inc. outlined its growth ambitions for the next three years on Wednesday, forecasting higher profit fueled by customer gains and enhanced by new technologies, including artificial intelligence.

The big three US telecommunications companies are locked in a heated battle to keep customers from switching to rival platforms while also finding new subscribers. T-Mobile, the second-biggest US mobile carrier, is teaming up with OpenAI on a new platform, called IntentCX, to deliver faster and more personalized customer service. By accessing consumer data, IntentCX will be able to apply meaningful understanding and knowledge of every customer to resolve issues and take proactive actions on their behalf, T-Mobile said.

Through the partnership, T-Mobile will have access to OpenAI’s new 01 reasoning models, which are designed to spend more time thinking before they respond. The technology will be particularly powerful in analyzing call transcripts and able to identify irritants that can be better solved to improve the customer experience.

“One of the many things we’re excited about for this new generation of models is what we can do for personalization — for the individual user or customer — and what we can do for integration,” said Sam Altman, CEO of OpenAI, speaking on stage at T-Mobile’s capital markets presentation. “Where these models can look at a huge amount of data, use a huge amount of tools and deliver these hopefully fairly magical experiences.”

T-Mobile also announced a collaboration with Nvidia Corp., Ericsson and Nokia Oyj, to design mobile networks with AI, bringing more advanced capabilities to radio access networks. The companies are investing in a AI-RAN innovation center in Bellevue, Washington. AI-RAN will dramatically improve customers’ experiences, the company said, and satisfy an ever-growing demand for faster speeds, reduced latency and increased reliability for the latest gaming, video, social media and augmented reality applications on mobile devices. AI-RAN will use billions of data points to make algorithms that can determine the optimal network adjustments needed for maximum performance, T-Mobile said.

Speaking at the event, Jensen Huang, CEO of Nvidia, said, “we all saw the same opportunity to reinvent telecommunications with the fundamental technologies that’s reinventing one of the largest industries in the world, which is computing. This underlying technology will unquestionably revolutionize every industry.” He said “this is going to be a great new growth opportunity for the telecommunications industry.”

Chief Executive Officer Mike Sievert outlined the company’s financial targets. T-Mobile expects to increase earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortization up to $39 billion by 2027. Service revenue is expected to increase at a compound annual growth rate of about 5% from 2023 to 2027, to as much as $76 billion.

That will boost annualized Ebitda by about $10 billion over that time frame. Adjusted free cash flow is expected to be $18 to $19 billion in 2027. The company also announced a 35% increase in its dividend, to 88 cents a share.

Shares of T-Mobile, which hit an all-time this week, fell as much as 2.8% to $197.05 after the forecast, suggesting the outlook may have disappointed some investors.

T-Mobile also unveiled a new program to prioritize first responders and ensure they get lower latency and faster, more consistent 5G speeds especially in times of extreme network congestion.

First responders are increasingly dependent on cellular communications and data-intensive tools such as drones and artificial reality to fuel new tools for emergency situations. But during crises, network congestion can bog down critical communications. The new product will ensure faster speeds for data-intensive communications tools by giving first responders their own slice of the network.



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