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英伟达(Nvidia Corp.)的黄仁勋与亚洲首富穆克什·安巴尼达成了一项合作协议,将在全球人口最多的国家印度建设人工智能基础设施和推广人工智能技术。

上周四,这两位高管在英伟达于孟买召开的人工智能峰会上同台亮相,他们表示,安巴尼的信实工业(Reliance Industries Ltd.)在印度新建的大型数据中心,将使用美国公司英伟达的最新Blackwell芯片。英伟达还与印孚瑟斯(Infosys Ltd.)和塔塔咨询服务公司(Tata Consultancy Services Ltd.)等多家印度综合性企业建立了合作关系。

作为一个拥有14亿人口的大国,印度已经成为一个重要的人工智能市场,该国的农业、教育和制造业等行业正在采用人工智能技术提高效率。虽然人工智能技术仅贡献了一小部分营收,但从英伟达到微软(Microsoft Corp.)和Meta Platforms公司,全球科技公司都在押注印度这个快速增长的经济体能够成为一个替代中国的增长型市场。


在印度古吉拉特邦,信实工业一座1千兆瓦规模的新数据中心正在建设中,该数据中心将使用英伟达的Blackwell芯片,使其成为最早采用这种强大的新型芯片的数据中心之一。亚马逊云科技(Amazon Web Services,AWS)等英伟达的客户也开始使用这款产品,AWS预计使用新芯片的数据中心将在明年上线。戴尔科技公司(Dell Technologies Inc.)也表示,基于Blackwell的服务器将在2025年初大规模上市。


英伟达还表示,将帮助印度的马恒达科技公司(Tech Mahindra Ltd.)开发一个印地语大语言模型,并与电商公司Flipkart合作开发对话式客户服务系统。英伟达将与印度的医疗保健公司合作,帮助他们提高患者保健与研究的效率。



约一年前,英伟达与安巴尼的信实工业和塔塔集团(Tata Group.)等印度综合性企业,达成了建设人工智能数据中心的初步协议。今年8月,安巴尼在信实工业的网络直播股东大会上表示,公司正在开发名为JioBrain的一系列人工智能工具和应用,他在会上至少80次提到了人工智能。


尽管印度的数字经济蓬勃发展,但其人工智能基础设施仍在发展中。印度政府在“印度人工智能计划“(IndiaAI Mission)下拨款12亿美元,用于建设对构建人工智能系统和技术商业化至关重要的数据中心。(财富中文网)



英伟达(Nvidia Corp.)的黄仁勋与亚洲首富穆克什·安巴尼达成了一项合作协议,将在全球人口最多的国家印度建设人工智能基础设施和推广人工智能技术。

上周四,这两位高管在英伟达于孟买召开的人工智能峰会上同台亮相,他们表示,安巴尼的信实工业(Reliance Industries Ltd.)在印度新建的大型数据中心,将使用美国公司英伟达的最新Blackwell芯片。英伟达还与印孚瑟斯(Infosys Ltd.)和塔塔咨询服务公司(Tata Consultancy Services Ltd.)等多家印度综合性企业建立了合作关系。

作为一个拥有14亿人口的大国,印度已经成为一个重要的人工智能市场,该国的农业、教育和制造业等行业正在采用人工智能技术提高效率。虽然人工智能技术仅贡献了一小部分营收,但从英伟达到微软(Microsoft Corp.)和Meta Platforms公司,全球科技公司都在押注印度这个快速增长的经济体能够成为一个替代中国的增长型市场。


在印度古吉拉特邦,信实工业一座1千兆瓦规模的新数据中心正在建设中,该数据中心将使用英伟达的Blackwell芯片,使其成为最早采用这种强大的新型芯片的数据中心之一。亚马逊云科技(Amazon Web Services,AWS)等英伟达的客户也开始使用这款产品,AWS预计使用新芯片的数据中心将在明年上线。戴尔科技公司(Dell Technologies Inc.)也表示,基于Blackwell的服务器将在2025年初大规模上市。


英伟达还表示,将帮助印度的马恒达科技公司(Tech Mahindra Ltd.)开发一个印地语大语言模型,并与电商公司Flipkart合作开发对话式客户服务系统。英伟达将与印度的医疗保健公司合作,帮助他们提高患者保健与研究的效率。



约一年前,英伟达与安巴尼的信实工业和塔塔集团(Tata Group.)等印度综合性企业,达成了建设人工智能数据中心的初步协议。今年8月,安巴尼在信实工业的网络直播股东大会上表示,公司正在开发名为JioBrain的一系列人工智能工具和应用,他在会上至少80次提到了人工智能。


尽管印度的数字经济蓬勃发展,但其人工智能基础设施仍在发展中。印度政府在“印度人工智能计划“(IndiaAI Mission)下拨款12亿美元,用于建设对构建人工智能系统和技术商业化至关重要的数据中心。(财富中文网)



Nvidia Corp.’s Jensen Huang struck a partnership with Asia’s richest man, Mukesh Ambani, to build out artificial intelligence infrastructure and spur the technology’s adoption in the world’s most populous country.

The two executives shared the stage at Nvidia’s AI summit in Mumbai on Thursday and said a new major data center by Ambani’s Reliance Industries Ltd. in India is set to use the latest Blackwell chips from the US company. Nvidia also forged partnerships with Indian conglomerates including Infosys Ltd. and Tata Consultancy Services Ltd.

India has emerged as a potentially major AI arena, with the country of 1.4 billion adopting the technology in industries including agriculture, education and manufacturing to boost efficiency. While still a small part of their revenue, global tech companies from Nvidia to Microsoft Corp. and Meta Platforms Inc. are betting on the rapidly-growing economy as a growth market that can emerge as an alternative to China.

“India produced and exported software,” Huang said. “In the future, India will export AI.”

A 1 gigawatt Reliance data center under construction in Gujarat state will use Nvidia’s Blackwell, making it among the first to deploy the powerful new chips. Nvidia’s customers such as Amazon Web Services are also in the process of starting to use the product, with AWS expecting them to be online next year. Dell Technologies Inc. also has said that Blackwell-based servers will be generally available at the beginning of 2025.

Nvidia products have become a prized commodity among data center operators, which use the chips to develop AI software and services. The Santa Clara, California-based company acknowledged in August that Blackwell proved more difficult to produce than anticipated. The company said that it was making changes to improve its manufacturing yield — the number of functioning chips that come out of factories.

Nvidia also said it’ll help India’s Tech Mahindra Ltd. to build a Hindi large language model, and work with e-commerce company Flipkart on its conversational customer-service systems. It’ll collaborate with India’s health-care companies to help them improve productivity in patient care and research.

The US company has emerged at the forefront of a global AI boom, supplying the chips tech leaders like Microsoft and Google use to develop artificial intelligence. Huang has toured the globe this year, pushing countries and enterprises to adopt AI technologies he’s dubbed a “new industrial revolution.”

Nvidia began its operations in Bangalore, southern India, two decades ago and also has development centers in three other cities in the country, with a total of about 4,000 engineers, its largest employee base after its home country.

About a year ago, it struck initial pacts to build AI data centers with local conglomerates including Ambani’s Reliance and the Tata Group. Reliance Industries is building a range of AI tools and applications called JioBrain, Ambani said at the company’s live-streamed shareholders meeting in August, during which he mentioned the term AI at least 80 times.

India has risen in prominence for global tech companies as the US’s tensions with China have escalated. Nvidia is among companies whose business with China has been curtailed by Washington’s restrictions. Huang described “India’s moment” after meeting Prime Minister Narendra Modi in the US last month.

While India boasts a burgeoning digital economy, its AI infrastructure is still developing. The government has set aside $1.2 billion under the IndiaAI Mission to build data centers vital to building AI systems and commercializing technologies.



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