6. 管理大师 吉姆•科林斯 吉姆•科林斯也许不是首席执行官,但作为《从优秀到卓越》(Good to Great)等管理学名作的作者,他不仅是高管世界的重要人物,而且在户外运动领域也从许多方面影响着他的著作所论及的人物。 53岁的科林斯毕生都是攀岩爱好者。因此,他在接受采访时或者在书中,说出“山峰令人兴奋”或者企业领导人最终“死在山上”这类话,就再正常不过了。他在斯坦福商学院(Stanford Business School)读书时,就曾在附近的优胜美地国家公园(Yosemite National Park)管理过一家小型攀岩学校。凑巧的是,科林斯的妻子是铁人三项运动员乔安娜•恩斯特,她是1985年铁人赛的冠军得主。 译者:大海 |
6. Jim Collins, management guru He may not be a CEO, but Jim Collins, author of such management classics as Good to Great, is a major figure in the C-suite world, and in many ways an outdoor influence on the very people he writes about. Collins, 53, has been a lifelong rock climber, and it isn't unusual to see him using analogies about "the mountain turning on you" or business leaders finding themselves "dead on the mountain" in interviews and books. During his time at Stanford Business School, he even ran a small rock-climbing school at nearby Yosemite National Park. Collins also happens to be married to Joanne Ernst, a triathlete and 1985 Ironman winner. |