

Alex Konrad 2011-08-30



    这位阿波罗全球管理(Apollo Global Management)的创始人显然忠于亿万富豪们的传统,本月稍早些时候在纽约南安普敦的家族海滨别墅举办了一场声势惊人的60大寿之宴。这类派对的常客们也纷纷捧场,包括垃圾债券大王迈克尔•米尔肯和高盛(Goldman Sachs)掌门人劳埃德•布兰克费恩这样的金融巨子,以及纽约市长迈克尔•布隆伯格和参议员查尔斯•舒默等政治家。埃尔顿•约翰为200位宾客进行了私人演出,据报道揽下了至少100万美元。霍华德•斯特恩显然对此印象深刻,他后来在天狼星卫星广播(Sirius Satellite Radio)的节目上大谈特谈这次派对【《纽约时报》(the New York Times)注意到,布莱克本人是天狼星的董事】。人们很快就将它与施瓦茨曼2007年的寿宴相提并论,或许布莱克本月举行派对的时候,汉普顿的空气里已经弥漫着这种感觉。

    布莱克的寿宴今年最受关注,但不管从哪个角度说都绝非唯一一场。尽管公众媒体只注意到少数几次此类活动——最近一次是埃夫里尔•莫蒂默为妻子、交际花吉吉•莫蒂默举行的派对——Executive Visions掌门马托透露,未被关注的盛典数量众多。“光这个夏天,耗资7位数的盛大派对可能就超过了三四十场。”

    译 小宇

Leon Black, 2011

    The Apollo Global Management founder stayed faithful to billionaire tradition with a blowout 60th birthday party earlier this month at the oceanfront family property in Southampton. The usual suspects for such parties were out in force, from finance giants such as Michael Milken and Goldman Sachs' Lloyd Blankfein to politicians including Mayor Michael Bloomberg and Senator Charles Schumer. Elton John played a private show for the 200 guests, reportedly pocketing at least $1 million. Howard Stern was apparently a big fan, gushing about the party on his show on Sirius Satellite Radio afterward (the New York Times noted that Black sits on Sirius' board). Allusions to Schwarzman's 2007 party have been immediate, and possibly even in the Hamptons air at Black's party this August.

    Black's has been the most publicized private party this year, but it wasn't the only one by any means. While public records only reveal several such events -- most recently Averell Mortimer's Hamptons party for his wife, socialite Gigi Mortimer -- Marto at Executive Visions teased Fortune about the number of parties that fly under the radar. "In the summer, there could be upwards of 30 or 40 of these large events going on that have seven-figure budgets."

