Van Gogh Peanut Butter and Jelly花生酱覆盆子风味伏特加 梵高嗜饮苦艾酒众所周知。人们不禁会想,对于这款与他同名的伏特加,梵高会作何感想。这款产品去年问世,酿造商Van Gogh Vodka对它做了这样的描述:“我们的Peanut Butter and Jelly伏特加以花生香型为主,辅以覆盆子的新鲜果香。入口后二者的位置就会调转,覆盆子果香成为主导,温润的花生酱味道辅之,另有一丝香草味道萦绕在侧。” |
Van Gogh Peanut Butter and Jelly You have to wonder what the painter whose name is on the bottle, famously a fan of absinthe, would think of this variety, which came out last year. We'll let the vodka maker speak for itself: "The fragrance of our PB&J vodka is predominantly of peanuts complemented by the fresh fruit aroma of raspberry. In the mouth, the roles are reversed with the raspberry taking center stage supported by the toasty flavor of peanut butter and a hint of vanilla on the side." |