俄罗斯圣彼得堡 得分:94.323 俄罗斯第二大城市圣彼得堡已经走出了苏联时期的阴影,重新激发了人们的兴趣。宫殿和大教堂从糖果乐园开始向外直线延伸,它们有薄荷绿色的幕墙,金色尖顶和有马赛克装饰的外观。莫斯科风格复兴教堂、冬宫(内为埃尔米塔日博物馆)和圣彼得和圣保罗大教堂,均是不可错过的名胜古迹。夏天来到圣彼得堡,可以在温暖的下午爬上圣以撒主教座堂的柱廊,欣赏整个城市的全景,还可以在亚历山大公园野餐,欣赏公园内的数十座雕像。俄罗斯的艺术与政治并不相互排斥,新建成的可容纳2000人的马林斯基新剧院便是最好的证明。 |
St. Petersburg, Russia Score: 94.323 Russia’s second-largest city has emerged spectacularly from its shadowy Soviet past. Palaces and cathedrals are pulled straight from Candyland, with their colorful mint-green facades, golden spires, and the richly-mosaiced exteriors. The distinctly Moscovian Church of the Resurrection, the Winter Palace (which houses the Hermitage Museum) and the Cathedrals of Saints Peter and Paul are can’t-miss sights in St. Petersburg. Arrive in the summer for comfortably warm afternoons climbing the colonnade at St. Isaac’s Cathedral for panoramic views of the city, as well as picnics in the Alexandrvovsky Garden and hunting for the dozens of statues spread throughout. Art and politics in Russia are not mutually exclusive, and this can still be witnessed today at the new 2,000-seat Marinsky II theater. |