经过漫长的寻找,盖璞公司(Gap Inc.)终于找到了新任CEO。
一年多以来,该公司始终没有一位常设CEO。7月27日,Old Navy、Gap、Banana Republic和Athleta等品牌的母公司宣布,聘请理查德·迪克森担任新任CEO,该项任命从8月22日起生效。迪克森现任美泰(Mattel)首席运营官兼总裁,并且帮助复兴了该公司的芭比(Barbie)品牌,最近以这款标志性娃娃玩具为基础创作的电影取得巨大成功就是最好的证据。迪克森在2014年加入美泰之前,曾在服装公司琼斯集团(Jones Group)担任高管。
这让Gap公司结束了漫长而痛苦的寻找CEO的过程。Gap公司的所有品牌上个季度净销售额均出现下滑,因此这家公司将难以承受CEO人选出现问题的后果。Gap和Banana Republic品牌的销售额远不如前:2022年,Gap品牌的全球净销售额为37亿美元,比十年前下滑了40%,而Old Navy和Athleta多年来一直是维持公司运营的主打品牌,也开始出现销售下滑。因此,在寻找新任CEO时,临时CEO鲍比·马丁曾多次表示,董事会将“花时间解决这个问题”。
然而,无论迪克森如何备受好评和如何能力全面,他都将面临艰巨的任务。他的两位前任索尼娅·辛加尔和阿特·佩克因为没有解决Gap公司的问题而黯然下台,包括未能迅速适应时尚趋势的变化以及官僚主义文化等。索尼娅·辛加尔曾担任Old Navy主管,仅上任两年后在去年7月离职。解决这家公司的问题并非易事。
辛加尔在领导Gap公司之前曾带领Old Navy创下辉煌的业绩,因而名声大噪。她在疫情初期上任,却因为母公司在Old Navy提供更有包容性的服装尺码的计划而受挫;这导致公司过多库存未能售出,只能降价出售。为了扩大Gap的影响力,她选择与Yeezy进行大规模合作,但事实证明这些努力效果不佳,给公司造成了数千万美元损失。在她之前上任的佩克未能恢复Gap公司作为引领趋势的时装零售商的地位。
现在消费者还在减少任意支出,因为他们有大量选择:如果你能在塔吉特(Target)上买到类似商品,为什么还要在Old Navy购物?既然休闲运动服饰已经无处不在,为什么要选择Athleta?
此外,迪克森有服装行业的从业经验,这将为他带来巨大帮助。彭博智库高级零售分析师玛丽·罗斯·吉尔伯特在一份研究报告中写道:“随着理查德·迪克森被任命为新任首席执行官,Gap改造计划的前景变得更加乐观。迪克森已经加入了Gap公司的董事会,他曾在布卢明代尔(Bloomingdale’s)和Nine West任职,具有服装行业的从业经验。”
而且迪克森至少可以有一些作为。Athleta最近才开始遭遇困境,该品牌从知名瑜伽品牌Alo请来了新任CEO。Banana Republic经过数年销售下滑后,在2022年开始恢复增长势头,并改善了旗下的产品和店铺装修。Old Navy品牌的规模高达90亿美元,在消费者当中有良好的信用。(可惜Gap品牌目前似乎没有太多复苏的迹象。)
经过漫长的寻找,盖璞公司(Gap Inc.)终于找到了新任CEO。
一年多以来,该公司始终没有一位常设CEO。7月27日,Old Navy、Gap、Banana Republic和Athleta等品牌的母公司宣布,聘请理查德·迪克森担任新任CEO,该项任命从8月22日起生效。迪克森现任美泰(Mattel)首席运营官兼总裁,并且帮助复兴了该公司的芭比(Barbie)品牌,最近以这款标志性娃娃玩具为基础创作的电影取得巨大成功就是最好的证据。迪克森在2014年加入美泰之前,曾在服装公司琼斯集团(Jones Group)担任高管。
这让Gap公司结束了漫长而痛苦的寻找CEO的过程。Gap公司的所有品牌上个季度净销售额均出现下滑,因此这家公司将难以承受CEO人选出现问题的后果。Gap和Banana Republic品牌的销售额远不如前:2022年,Gap品牌的全球净销售额为37亿美元,比十年前下滑了40%,而Old Navy和Athleta多年来一直是维持公司运营的主打品牌,也开始出现销售下滑。因此,在寻找新任CEO时,临时CEO鲍比·马丁曾多次表示,董事会将“花时间解决这个问题”。
然而,无论迪克森如何备受好评和如何能力全面,他都将面临艰巨的任务。他的两位前任索尼娅·辛加尔和阿特·佩克因为没有解决Gap公司的问题而黯然下台,包括未能迅速适应时尚趋势的变化以及官僚主义文化等。索尼娅·辛加尔曾担任Old Navy主管,仅上任两年后在去年7月离职。解决这家公司的问题并非易事。
辛加尔在领导Gap公司之前曾带领Old Navy创下辉煌的业绩,因而名声大噪。她在疫情初期上任,却因为母公司在Old Navy提供更有包容性的服装尺码的计划而受挫;这导致公司过多库存未能售出,只能降价出售。为了扩大Gap的影响力,她选择与Yeezy进行大规模合作,但事实证明这些努力效果不佳,给公司造成了数千万美元损失。在她之前上任的佩克未能恢复Gap公司作为引领趋势的时装零售商的地位。
现在消费者还在减少任意支出,因为他们有大量选择:如果你能在塔吉特(Target)上买到类似商品,为什么还要在Old Navy购物?既然休闲运动服饰已经无处不在,为什么要选择Athleta?
此外,迪克森有服装行业的从业经验,这将为他带来巨大帮助。彭博智库高级零售分析师玛丽·罗斯·吉尔伯特在一份研究报告中写道:“随着理查德·迪克森被任命为新任首席执行官,Gap改造计划的前景变得更加乐观。迪克森已经加入了Gap公司的董事会,他曾在布卢明代尔(Bloomingdale’s)和Nine West任职,具有服装行业的从业经验。”
而且迪克森至少可以有一些作为。Athleta最近才开始遭遇困境,该品牌从知名瑜伽品牌Alo请来了新任CEO。Banana Republic经过数年销售下滑后,在2022年开始恢复增长势头,并改善了旗下的产品和店铺装修。Old Navy品牌的规模高达90亿美元,在消费者当中有良好的信用。(可惜Gap品牌目前似乎没有太多复苏的迹象。)
Finally, at extremely long last, the search is over: Gap Inc. has lined up a new CEO.
After more than a year without a permanent chief executive, the troubled parent company of Old Navy, Gap, Banana Republic, and Athleta said on Wednesday it had hired Richard Dickson as its new chief, effective Aug. 22. He is the operations chief and president at Mattel and instrumental in revitalizing the Barbie franchise, as evidenced by the runaway success of the recent motion picture about the iconic doll. Before joining the toymaker in 2014, Dickson had spent time in the apparel industry in a top job at Jones Group.
Thus ends an excruciatingly long CEO search that Gap Inc., all of whose brands saw net sales decline last quarter, can’t afford to mess up. The Gap and Banana Republic brands are shadows of their former selves: The Gap brand’s 2022 net global sales were $3.7 billion, or 40% less than a decade earlier—while Old Navy and Athleta, for years juggernauts sustaining the company, have fallen into decline. So when it came to the search for a new chief, interim CEO Bobby Martin repeatedly said that the board would “take the time to get this right.”
However well-regarded and well-rounded Dickson is, though, he has a big job ahead of him. His two immediate predecessors, Sonia Syngal, former head of Old Navy who left last July after only two years, and Art Peck, were both ousted for failing to fix Gap Inc.’s seemingly intractable problems, including failing to adapt quickly to changes in fashion and a bureaucratic culture. Fixing this company won’t be easy.
Syngal, whose star rose as she led Old Navy to heights before she took the Gap Inc. reins at the start of the pandemic, stumbled over the parent company’s plan to offer more inclusive sizing at Old Navy; that led to a glut of unsold inventory that had to be marked down. And her efforts to make Gap more relevant through a big collaboration with Yeezy proved ill-fated, leading to tens of millions of dollars in losses. Before her, Peck failed to restore Gap Inc. to its place as a fashion retailer leading trends.
Consumers as a whole are also pulling back on discretionary spending as they’re faced with oodles of choices: Why shop at Old Navy when you can get similar offerings at Target? Why shop at Athleta when athleisure is everywhere?
But Dickson’s résumé suggests he has as good a chance as anyone to succeed. Analysts note Dickson’s work on the Barbie turnaround in particular points to skills that will be helpful in revitalizing Gap Inc.’s often tired brands. He understood that to modernize the iconic doll, Mattel had to make it more inclusive with moves such as releasing Barbie dolls with additional skin tones and body types. Under Dickson, Mattel also changed up its marketing by advertising directly to parents.
“His reinvention of the Barbie franchise, which is currently riding on a high, is also proof that he understands how to turn around established brands that have run out of energy and steam. This is exactly the challenge he will need to address at Gap,” said Neil Saunders, managing director of GlobalData, an analytics and consulting company, in a research note.
Contrast that with excuses about “product acceptance issues” trotted out at various times by Martin and Peck on calls with Wall Street analysts over the years to explain declining sales—language that seemed to blame consumers rather than the company, and reflected a problematic way of seeing things that made a potential turnaround harder to execute.
What’s more, Dickson has experience in apparel that will serve him well. “Gap’s turnaround prospects just got better with the naming of Richard Dickson as its new chief executive officer. Dickson, who already sits on Gap’s board, has apparel experience from stints at Bloomingdale’s and Nine West,” Mary Ross Gilbert, senior retail analyst, wrote in a Bloomberg Intelligence research note.
And Dickson at least has something to work with. Athleta, whose struggles began only recently, poached its new CEO from hot yoga brand Alo. Banana Republic seemed to find its swagger back in 2022 after years of decline, and has improved its assortment and store decor. And Old Navy is a massive $9 billion brand with a big reservoir of goodwill from consumers to tap into. (Alas, the Gap brand seems not to have many green shoots at the moment.)
So kudos to Gap Inc. for hiring someone like Dickson. If anyone can do it, Dickson might well be that person.