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新入职者的第一印象很难改变。图片来源:GETTY IMAGES

44天似乎并不长,但在这一个多月时间里可能发生许多事情。你可以从头到尾看两遍《实习医生格蕾》(Grey’s Anatomy)(还能看三遍断开左心室辅助装置的场景),或者重新观看《橘郡风云》(The OC)14遍。你还可以培养一种新业余爱好,或者简单地评价自己的人生选择。你也可能意识到,你的新工作并不适合你。

软件公司Bamboo HR对1,500多名成年人的最新调查发现,大多数人只需要44天就能弄清楚自己是否希望继续从事新岗位。有时候人们不需要这么长时间。有高达70%的员工在入职后第一个月内就能确定工作是否适合自己。只有不到三分之一(29%)的新入职者在第一周就会产生“蜘蛛侠感应”,预知风险,但有四分之一员工需要超过两个月才能确定工作是否适合自己。但调查发现,员工平均在入职后七周内就能确定。





2022年3月一项哈里斯民调(Harris Poll)的结果显示,从2020年以来辞职的上班族,有五分之一感到后悔。许多人感觉工作与生活平衡下降,他们怀念之前工作的文化,或者感觉新工作不如预期。专家对最先报告该数据的《今日美国》表示,有时候在线或通过Zoom面试,并不总是能与现场面试时的实际情况相匹配。上班族们渴望有更高的薪酬,却忽视了风险。ManpowerGroup高级副总裁吉姆·麦科伊对《今日美国》表示:“许多公司用薪酬吸引人才。”

现在,一些人后悔辞职,因为他们并没有找到新工作。今年早些时候发表的一份Paychex分析报告发现,80%的跳槽者后悔自己的决定,有人表示他们发现在辞职之后,由于对经济衰退的担忧,想在就业市场中占据主动和抓住机会,比他们想象的更难。但Bamboo HR的调查证明,对工作的满意度也产生了影响。




44天似乎并不长,但在这一个多月时间里可能发生许多事情。你可以从头到尾看两遍《实习医生格蕾》(Grey’s Anatomy)(还能看三遍断开左心室辅助装置的场景),或者重新观看《橘郡风云》(The OC)14遍。你还可以培养一种新业余爱好,或者简单地评价自己的人生选择。你也可能意识到,你的新工作并不适合你。

软件公司Bamboo HR对1,500多名成年人的最新调查发现,大多数人只需要44天就能弄清楚自己是否希望继续从事新岗位。有时候人们不需要这么长时间。有高达70%的员工在入职后第一个月内就能确定工作是否适合自己。只有不到三分之一(29%)的新入职者在第一周就会产生“蜘蛛侠感应”,预知风险,但有四分之一员工需要超过两个月才能确定工作是否适合自己。但调查发现,员工平均在入职后七周内就能确定。





2022年3月一项哈里斯民调(Harris Poll)的结果显示,从2020年以来辞职的上班族,有五分之一感到后悔。许多人感觉工作与生活平衡下降,他们怀念之前工作的文化,或者感觉新工作不如预期。专家对最先报告该数据的《今日美国》表示,有时候在线或通过Zoom面试,并不总是能与现场面试时的实际情况相匹配。上班族们渴望有更高的薪酬,却忽视了风险。ManpowerGroup高级副总裁吉姆·麦科伊对《今日美国》表示:“许多公司用薪酬吸引人才。”

现在,一些人后悔辞职,因为他们并没有找到新工作。今年早些时候发表的一份Paychex分析报告发现,80%的跳槽者后悔自己的决定,有人表示他们发现在辞职之后,由于对经济衰退的担忧,想在就业市场中占据主动和抓住机会,比他们想象的更难。但Bamboo HR的调查证明,对工作的满意度也产生了影响。




While 44 days might not seem like much time, a lot can happen in just over a month. You can watch all of Grey’s Anatomy twice over (and the LVAD cutting wire scene three times for extra measure) or rewatch The OC 14 times. You can also pick up a new hobby or simply evaluate your life choices. Or maybe you’ll realize that your new job isn’t the right fit for you.

Most of us only need 44 days to find out if we want to stick it out in our new role, finds a new survey of more than 1,500 adults by software company Bamboo HR. Sometimes it’s less than that—an overwhelming 70% of employees have decided if their job is right for them within the first month of being hired. Just under a third (29%) of new hires get the spidey sense within the first week, while it takes a quarter of employees more than two months. But on average, the survey finds, employees will figure it out within seven weeks of their start date.

While split second impressions can be harsh, we tend to stick to them. A majority of workers (62%) report to BambooHR that their first impressions of where they work still ring true, and 60% admit that it’s hard to change these initial feelings.

Such judgment calls can spark remorse—44% of workers said they regretted a job they took within a week of starting it. A sizable portion (23%) even admitted they cried the first week at their new job. Everything isn’t always what it seems during the hiring process, and a poor onboarding experience can be enough to turn an employee off from it.

Companies often lack a clear vision and culture that makes it difficult for HR and managers to set up a consistent, effective hiring and onboarding experience, Anita Grantham, BambooHR’s head of HR, tells Fortune. “If that foundation isn’t in place, employees can get mixed signals about the company they are joining during the interview process [and] managers across departments end up setting widely variable expectations for employees,” she says.

While the Great Resignation may be over, it’s a sign that workers are still discovering some courting companies weren’t always able to deliver their pie in the sky offers. Millions of workers made the most of the labor market and quit their jobs for ones with better pay and working conditions, but some ended up second-guessing their decision.

A Harris Poll from March 2022 found that one in five workers who quit their job since 2020 regretted it. Many felt that their work-life balance declined, missed the culture of their old job, or felt their new job wasn’t what they were expecting. Sometimes online or Zoom interviews don’t always match up to the real deal in-person, experts told USA Today, which first reported on the data. And workers were so desperate for better wages that they ignored red flags. “A lot of companies enticed people with pay,” Jim McCoy, senior vice president at ManpowerGroup, told the publication.

Now, some regretted quitting because they didn’t have a job lined up. A Paychex analysis published earlier this year found that 80% of job hoppers regretted their move, with some reporting they found it more difficult to take control of the job market and snag an opportunity amid recession fears after quitting than they thought it would be. But Bamboo HR’s survey piles on the evidence that job dissatisfaction is also at play.

Whether it be perusing the housing market, impulse shopping, or job hunting, we tend to always be looking to greener pastures, especially in the early years after the pandemic. But sometimes, it doesn’t take long to figure out the pasture isn’t as green as we thought it would be.



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