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Peter Vanham



洛文杰(Jeff Rowe),先正达(Syngenta)首席执行官。图片来源:图片来源:Courtesy of Syngenta





虽然洛文杰是律师出身,但他也是第五代农民,在杜邦先锋(DuPont Pioneer)和先正达等农业公司工作了十年之久。他满怀深情地回忆起自己在田间考察时穿着农民服装的情景,以及他对深受许多美国和全球农民喜爱的美国本土企业约翰迪尔公司(John Deere)的青睐。

但洛文杰在回答我们提出的“首席执行官议程”问题时,却透露出他是一位深藏不露的领导者。他是我认识的第一位使用reMarkable的首席执行官,我去年也开始使用这款记事平板电脑。他还是一个如饥似渴的读者,阅读的书籍涵盖了当代商业书籍、历史书籍以及像《杀死一只知更鸟》(To Kill a Mockingbird)这样的经典名著。







洛文杰在行动。图片来源:Courtesy of Syngenta




欧洲各地广泛的抗议活动凸显了农民的不满情绪,许多欧洲农场难以过上体面的生活。图片来源:Gari Garaialde—Getty Images






洛文杰喜欢阅读各种书籍。受哈珀·李(Harper Lee)的《杀死一只知更鸟》的启发,他进入法学院学习。图片来源:Courtesy of Arrow




我使用几种不同的新闻应用程序来了解全球问题的最新进展。我是ToDo和OneNote的重度用户,与我的行政助理协作跟踪重要活动并整理笔记。我也刚刚开始使用reMarkable平板电脑做电子笔记。和所有农民一样,我也有几个天气应用程序和商品市场应用程序,并通过CropWise和JD OpsCenter跟踪农场活动。娱乐方面,我喜欢在Chess.com应用程序下棋。

图片来源:Courtesy of reMarkable

图片来源:Courtesy of reMarkable





我喜欢阅读各种书籍。我最近读了安德鲁·罗伯茨(Andrew Roberts)的《丘吉尔传:与命运同行》(Churchill: Walking with Destiny)和沃尔特·艾萨克森(Walter Isaacson)的《埃隆·马斯克传》(Elon Musk)。我还喜欢几本关于人工智能和量子计算的书,包括加来道雄(Michio Kaku)写的《量子霸权》(Quantum Supremacy)。我特别喜欢的一些经典作品包括欧内斯特·海明威(Ernest Hemingway)的《太阳照常升起》(The Sun Also Rises)和《老人与海》(The Old Man and the Sea);乔治·艾略特(George Eliot)的《织工塞拉斯马南》(Silas Marner);当然还有哈珀·李的《杀死一只知更鸟》,这本书启发我进入法学院学习。由于很难抽出时间阅读长篇小说,我喜欢阅读短篇小说,比如列夫·托尔斯泰(Leo Tolstoy)的《主与仆》(Master and Man)、安东·契诃夫(Anton Chekhov)的《鹅莓》(Gooseberries)。最近,我一直在阅读有关土壤健康和再生农业的书籍,其中一本是加布·布朗(Gabe Brown)的《从泥土到土壤》(Dirt to Soil)。

这位首席执行官敬佩诺曼·勃劳格(Norman Borlaug)博士,后者通常被认为是绿色革命之父。图片来源:Micheline Pelletier—Sygma/Getty Images





洛文杰多年来一直是约翰迪尔各种产品的忠实客户。图片来源:Ed Young—Design Pics Editorial/Universal Images Group/Getty Images








虽然洛文杰是律师出身,但他也是第五代农民,在杜邦先锋(DuPont Pioneer)和先正达等农业公司工作了十年之久。他满怀深情地回忆起自己在田间考察时穿着农民服装的情景,以及他对深受许多美国和全球农民喜爱的美国本土企业约翰迪尔公司(John Deere)的青睐。

但洛文杰在回答我们提出的“首席执行官议程”问题时,却透露出他是一位深藏不露的领导者。他是我认识的第一位使用reMarkable的首席执行官,我去年也开始使用这款记事平板电脑。他还是一个如饥似渴的读者,阅读的书籍涵盖了当代商业书籍、历史书籍以及像《杀死一只知更鸟》(To Kill a Mockingbird)这样的经典名著。


















我使用几种不同的新闻应用程序来了解全球问题的最新进展。我是ToDo和OneNote的重度用户,与我的行政助理协作跟踪重要活动并整理笔记。我也刚刚开始使用reMarkable平板电脑做电子笔记。和所有农民一样,我也有几个天气应用程序和商品市场应用程序,并通过CropWise和JD OpsCenter跟踪农场活动。娱乐方面,我喜欢在Chess.com应用程序下棋。





我喜欢阅读各种书籍。我最近读了安德鲁·罗伯茨(Andrew Roberts)的《丘吉尔传:与命运同行》(Churchill: Walking with Destiny)和沃尔特·艾萨克森(Walter Isaacson)的《埃隆·马斯克传》(Elon Musk)。我还喜欢几本关于人工智能和量子计算的书,包括加来道雄(Michio Kaku)写的《量子霸权》(Quantum Supremacy)。我特别喜欢的一些经典作品包括欧内斯特·海明威(Ernest Hemingway)的《太阳照常升起》(The Sun Also Rises)和《老人与海》(The Old Man and the Sea);乔治·艾略特(George Eliot)的《织工塞拉斯马南》(Silas Marner);当然还有哈珀·李的《杀死一只知更鸟》,这本书启发我进入法学院学习。由于很难抽出时间阅读长篇小说,我喜欢阅读短篇小说,比如列夫·托尔斯泰(Leo Tolstoy)的《主与仆》(Master and Man)、安东·契诃夫(Anton Chekhov)的《鹅莓》(Gooseberries)。最近,我一直在阅读有关土壤健康和再生农业的书籍,其中一本是加布·布朗(Gabe Brown)的《从泥土到土壤》(Dirt to Soil)。








As CEO of Syngenta, one of the world’s leading agricultural companies, Jeff Rowe has to tread carefully. The chemicals Syngenta produces have helped agricultural yields grow enough in the past decades to feed a world with 8 billion people. But like its competitors, including Monsanto and Bayer, controversy over the fertilizers Syngenta produces is never far away.

Unusually, Syngenta is a Western company fully owned by Chinese state-owned enterprise, Sinochem. That peculiar ownership structure, however, poses more challenges today than it did a few years back when China and the West were still happily entangling their economies.

It took months of e-mails, calls and an informal gathering at Davos before Rowe’s team felt comfortable taking part in an on the record interview for Fortune.

100+:The number of countries Syngenta operates in.


Though he is a lawyer by training, Rowe is a fifth-generation farmer and has had a decade-long career at agricultural companies such as DuPont Pioneer and Syngenta. He talks fondly of wearing farmer outfits on field trips, or his love for the all-American John Deere company, a favorite among many American and global farmers.

But Rowe’s responses to our CEO Agenda questions reveal a leader with hidden depths. He’s the first CEO I know, to use reMarkable, a note-taking tablet that I also started using last year. And he’s a voracious reader, mixing contemporary business and history books with all-time classics such as To Kill a Mockingbird.

This interview has been edited for brevity.

Down to business

Fortune: What is the single most important project you are working on with your company?

One of the most transformative is how we are leveraging data and AI across the company. Data analytics is completely transforming our R&D efforts in genetics, chemistry, and biologicals. For example, 100% of our research projects to find new active ingredients use machine learning models to optimize molecular design and selection across the phases of discovery, optimization, and selection. This translates into a major improvement in innovation value for farmers through digital design and data-driven insights into environments, pests, and usage patterns. I see data management and AI as a game-changer for us and farmers around the world.

What global news item is top of mind for you?

As someone deeply involved in agriculture, the challenges of food security and sustainably feeding our growing global population are always top of mind. Climate change and resource constraints are putting immense strain on our food systems, a situation further exacerbated by conflict and war. The world’s farmers have always played a crucial role, which has become even more important given these adversities.

Which long-term trend are you most bullish about for society and the economy at large? Which one makes you most worried?

Feeding a growing global population in an environmentally responsible way is one of humanity’s greatest challenges. We’re seeing exciting developments in areas like bio-based inputs, carbon sequestration, and regenerative agriculture practices to help farmers boost yields while reducing agriculture’s environmental footprint.

But I am concerned about the threat of climate change. Rising temperatures, more frequent extreme weather events, and water scarcity pose huge risks to agricultural productivity worldwide. The stakes are high. In a world with escalating conflicts, disruptions to global food supplies are putting more people at risk of hunger, which potentially fuels further unrest and instability. We need more innovation and less regulation to make sure farmers have access to the right tools to improve food security and fight the adverse effects of climate change. In fact, with the right innovation, we can produce more food on existing cropland and lessen the climate impact of agriculture.

If you were an economic policymaker, what would be your top priority for Europe?

It is crucial that we restore Europe’s competitiveness in the agricultural sector to match leading producers like the U.S. The widespread protests across Europe have highlighted the discontent among farmers, with many European farms struggling to earn a decent living. Years of excessive regulatory bureaucracy have resulted in European farmers having less access to leading innovations in agriculture, weakening their ability to compete. My top priority would be to foster an environment that promotes access to the best technologies and innovations. This would drive sustainable productivity and ensure a level playing field. Building a world-class innovation ecosystem is critical for Europe to thrive in the 21st century.

Being productive

What time do you get up, and what part of your morning routine sets you up for the day?

No matter what time zone I am in, I always wake up early – normally around 4:30 a.m. I like to begin each day with a workout, followed by a light breakfast. I also have a fairly structured routine of reviewing key emails, reading newspapers, and preparing for the day. This helps me get ready for what’s ahead with a clear and focused mindset.

Jeff enjoys reading a wide range of books. A book that inspired him to go to law school was Harper Lee’s “To Kill a Mockingbird.”

Courtesy of Arrow

What time do you work until? Do you continue sending emails during the night and/or weekends?

With operations in over 100 countries around the world, there is always work to be done, so closing out the day can vary greatly from one day to the next. While I do not have set working hours as such, I try to maintain a healthy balance and I have always prioritized spending time with my family. It’s a balancing act at times, but well worth the effort. During the evenings and weekends, I try to stay physically active and catch up on reading, but inevitably I sometimes send emails, when needed, to follow up on important issues.

What apps or methods do you follow to be more productive?

I use several different news apps to stay up to speed on global issues. I am a heavy user of ToDo and OneNote in coordination with my administrative assistant to keep track of key activities and organize my notes. I have also just started using a reMarkable tablet for electronic note-taking. Like all farmers, I have several weather apps, commodity market apps and keep track of farm activities on CropWise and JD OpsCenter. For fun, I enjoy a good game of chess on the Chess.com app.

Who is on your “personal board”?

My personal board isn’t just made up of colleagues and farming friends in the agricultural world. It’s a diverse group that spans different areas like technology and sustainability. One of the most important parts of my personal board are my kids. They keep me on my toes and help me stay up to date with the latest trends. Together, this group provides me with candid feedback and challenges my thinking, allowing me to take a more well-rounded approach.

Getting personal

What book have you read, either recently or in the past, that has inspired you?

I enjoy reading a wide range of books. I recently read “Churchill: Walking with Destiny” by Andrew Roberts and “Elon Musk” by Walter Isaacson. I have also enjoyed several books on artificial intelligence and quantum computing, including “Quantum Supremacy” by Michio Kaku. Some of the classics I particularly like include: “The Sun Also Rises” and “The Old Man and the Sea” – both by Ernest Hemingway; “Silas Marner” by George Eliot, and of course, Harper Lee’s “To Kill a Mockingbird”, which inspired me to go to law school. As it can be difficult to find time to read longer novels, I have also enjoyed reading short stories, like: “Master and Man” by Leo Tolstoy; “Gooseberries” by Anton Chekhov. Lately, I have been exploring books on soil health and regenerative agriculture; one of the first being “Dirt to Soil” by Gabe Brown.

If you could ask your idol one question, who would it be, and what would you ask?

It would be Dr. Norman Borlaug, often considered the father of the Green Revolution. His work on developing high-yielding, disease-resistant wheat varieties saved millions of lives from starvation. I would ask him, “With a growing global population and the challenge of climate change, what innovations or strategies would you recommend to continue increasing food production in a sustainable way?”

As a consumer, what is your favorite company and why?

If you visit my farm, you would see that John Deere is pretty high on this list. My family has been a loyal customer of a wide range of John Deere products for many years. Beyond the core machinery engineering improvements that have been made, I am encouraged by the advancements being made with automation and digital connectivity. The digital ecosystem creates a powerful new connection between traditional machinery companies and agronomy input providers like Syngenta and our CropWise digital platform.

And to end on a lighter note: what was the last costume you wore?

Not so much costumes for me; rather farmer gear and the latest, modern agricultural technology to work the field. I am an early adopter when it comes to innovation.



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