传奇控股公司伯克希尔·哈撒韦公司(Berkshire Hathaway)的亿万富翁首席执行官沃伦·巴菲特(Warren Buffett)始终坚信,最优秀的领导者是那些致力于培养未来继任者的人,以及那些有坚定方向感的人。
巴菲特说,为了使这些领导者投身于并致力于公司的使命,他和已故副董事长查理·芒格(Charlie Munger)试图“通过文字和言论来塑造一种强大的文化——查理亦是如此。”
在2014年接受《财富》杂志采访时,时任特约编辑的帕蒂·塞勒斯(Pattie Sellers)写道,伯克希尔·哈撒韦公司遵循的原则是避免收购那些管理不善的公司。这是不同寻常的。她说:“很多人倾向于收购那些管理不善但潜力无限的公司,随后替换其管理层。”
芒格也赞同这种观点。他在2017年密歇根大学(University of Michigan)的一次活动上表示:“伯克希尔作为一家大型企业集团之所以能取得成功——据我所知,它比其他任何大型企业集团都要成功——是因为我们试图收购那些不需要总部过多管理干预的公司。其他人都认为自己拥有很多总部的管理人才,这是非常自负的表现。”
1998年,巴菲特对佛罗里达大学(University of Florida)的工商管理学硕士学生说,他在招聘时注重三个品质:正直、智慧和精力。他补充说,这三者同样重要。“如果应聘者不正直,你宁愿他们愚笨懒惰。”
传奇控股公司伯克希尔·哈撒韦公司(Berkshire Hathaway)的亿万富翁首席执行官沃伦·巴菲特(Warren Buffett)始终坚信,最优秀的领导者是那些致力于培养未来继任者的人,以及那些有坚定方向感的人。
巴菲特说,为了使这些领导者投身于并致力于公司的使命,他和已故副董事长查理·芒格(Charlie Munger)试图“通过文字和言论来塑造一种强大的文化——查理亦是如此。”
在2014年接受《财富》杂志采访时,时任特约编辑的帕蒂·塞勒斯(Pattie Sellers)写道,伯克希尔·哈撒韦公司遵循的原则是避免收购那些管理不善的公司。这是不同寻常的。她说:“很多人倾向于收购那些管理不善但潜力无限的公司,随后替换其管理层。”
芒格也赞同这种观点。他在2017年密歇根大学(University of Michigan)的一次活动上表示:“伯克希尔作为一家大型企业集团之所以能取得成功——据我所知,它比其他任何大型企业集团都要成功——是因为我们试图收购那些不需要总部过多管理干预的公司。其他人都认为自己拥有很多总部的管理人才,这是非常自负的表现。”
1998年,巴菲特对佛罗里达大学(University of Florida)的工商管理学硕士学生说,他在招聘时注重三个品质:正直、智慧和精力。他补充说,这三者同样重要。“如果应聘者不正直,你宁愿他们愚笨懒惰。”
Warren Buffett, the billionaire CEO of legendary holding company Berkshire Hathaway, has long maintained that the best kinds of leaders are those who commit to mentoring their future successors—and those with a firm sense of direction.
“You have to have a clear vision of where you’re going, so that you can get others to follow you,” Buffett told Fortune’s Susie Gharib at the Berkshire Hathaway Annual Shareholder Meeting in 2015. He told Gharib that Berkshire Hathaway has “a ton” of next-generation leaders. “There’s no shortage.”
To keep those leaders engaged and committed to the firm’s mission, Buffett said he and the late Charlie Munger, who was then the vice chairman, tried “to create a strong culture through what I write, and what I say—same thing with Charlie.”
“In the end, we want people to buy into the Berkshire culture,” Buffett said.
As for whether people can be trained to be great leaders—as opposed to simply being born with the proper traits in the proper orientation, Buffett split the difference.
“I think it’s a combination of the two,” he told Gharib. “Some people have way more leadership qualities inherently, but I think you can learn a lot, too.”
Good people only
Buffett and Munger extolled the virtues of good management—and good hiring—for decades.
In a 2014 Fortune interview, Pattie Sellers, who was editor-at-large at the time, wrote that Berkshire Hathaway as a rule refuses to buy companies run by bad managers. That’s unusual. “A lot of people like to buy good companies with bad managers and then replace them,” she said.
That didn’t work for Munger and Buffett. “We tried that, with predictable results,” Buffett told Sellers, adding that “life is so much more fun” when you work with people who are already good by nature—rather than expending energy trying to turn bad managers good. “I mean, who wants to spend their life trying to change people from their natural approaches?”
“Marrying somebody to change them is crazy,” Buffett went on. “And I would say hiring somebody to change him is just as crazy, and becoming partners with them to change them is crazy.”
Munger echoed the sentiment. “The reason that Berkshire has been successful as a big conglomerate—more successful than any other big conglomerate, so far as I know—is we try to buy things that aren’t going to require much managerial talent at headquarters,” he said at a 2017 event at the University of Michigan. “Everybody else thinks they’ve got a lot of managerial talent at headquarters, and that’s a lot of hubris.”
In 1998, Buffett told MBA students at the University of Florida that he looks for three things when hiring people: integrity, intelligence, and energy. All three are equally vital, he added. “If they don’t have integrity, you want them dumb and lazy.”
Some things don’t change over time. At a 2021 shareholder meeting, Buffett said bad management is the biggest threat a company could face. “You get a guy or a woman in charge of it—they’re personable, the directors like ’em—they don’t know what they’re doing. But they know how to put on an appearance. That’s the biggest single danger.”