最终,一个偶然的机会促使她考虑谷歌这一职业选项。据美国《商业内幕》(Business Insider)网站报道,由于收件箱里有大量招聘人员的邮件,梅耶尔本想删除其中一封,但因按错键反而将其打开。当她打开谷歌招聘人员的邮件时,她回想起导师、斯坦福大学教授埃里克·罗伯茨(Eric Roberts)曾告诉她应该去认识一下谷歌创始人——斯坦福大学的博士生拉里·佩奇(Larry Page)和谢尔盖·布林(Sergey Brin)。于是,梅耶尔没有删除这封邮件,而是提出面试请求。
梅耶尔的另一个成长领域是担任公司董事。Nextdoor Holdings公司提供基于社区的同名应用程序,该公司今年夏天任命梅尔为董事会成员。她还担任沃尔玛(Walmart)和美国国际电话电报公司(AT&T)的董事。
所有这些因素都让梅耶尔轻而易举地做出了最终决定。梅耶尔在谷歌工作了十多年,直至受邀出任雅虎的最高领导者。尽管梅耶尔在雅虎任职期间经常受到批评,但她仍将公司股价提高了两倍,并在2017年将公司出售给了威瑞森通信公司(Verizon)。据《财富》杂志报道,梅耶尔如今经营着一家名为Sunshine的人工智能初创公司,该公司在2020年筹集了2000万美元资金,“旨在简化和学习人们的数字通讯簿”。 (财富中文网)
最终,一个偶然的机会促使她考虑谷歌这一职业选项。据美国《商业内幕》(Business Insider)网站报道,由于收件箱里有大量招聘人员的邮件,梅耶尔本想删除其中一封,但因按错键反而将其打开。当她打开谷歌招聘人员的邮件时,她回想起导师、斯坦福大学教授埃里克·罗伯茨(Eric Roberts)曾告诉她应该去认识一下谷歌创始人——斯坦福大学的博士生拉里·佩奇(Larry Page)和谢尔盖·布林(Sergey Brin)。于是,梅耶尔没有删除这封邮件,而是提出面试请求。
梅耶尔的另一个成长领域是担任公司董事。Nextdoor Holdings公司提供基于社区的同名应用程序,该公司今年夏天任命梅尔为董事会成员。她还担任沃尔玛(Walmart)和美国国际电话电报公司(AT&T)的董事。
所有这些因素都让梅耶尔轻而易举地做出了最终决定。梅耶尔在谷歌工作了十多年,直至受邀出任雅虎的最高领导者。尽管梅耶尔在雅虎任职期间经常受到批评,但她仍将公司股价提高了两倍,并在2017年将公司出售给了威瑞森通信公司(Verizon)。据《财富》杂志报道,梅耶尔如今经营着一家名为Sunshine的人工智能初创公司,该公司在2020年筹集了2000万美元资金,“旨在简化和学习人们的数字通讯簿”。 (财富中文网)
• The former CEO of Yahoo got her start at Google when it was a startup after she accidentally opened a recruiter email she meant to delete and ultimately got the job.
Marissa Mayer is most well-known for her stint as CEO of Yahoo, but before she took the helm of the tech giant, she took a serendipitous dive into the unknown by joining a then little-known startup called Google.
Although she would later become Google’s 20th employee and first female engineer, as a graduating computer science major at Stanford during the height of the tech bubble in 1999, Mayer found herself with 14 job offers to major companies. Unsure of which to choose, Mayer took stock of all the good decisions she had made up until that time, according to an interview at Fortune’s MPW conference in 2011, which included picking Stanford, pivoting away from a major in medicine, and working in Switzerland for a summer.
When she analyzed what made those choices great, she saw a common theme: Mayer thrived in the unknown.
“I always did something I felt a little unready to do,” she told Fortune.
In the end, it was a fluke that led her to considering Google as a career option. With a flurry of recruiter emails in her inbox, Mayer went to delete one, and because of a wrong keystroke, opened it instead, according to Business Insider. When she opened the Google recruiter email she remembered that her mentor, Stanford professor Eric Roberts, had told her she should meet the founders, Stanford PhD students Larry Page and Sergey Brin. Instead of deleting the email, Mayer asked for an interview.
Despite the happenstance of her applying to Google, Mayer was willing to take a chance on the fledgling startup looking to revolutionize search, even if at the time it had fewer than two dozen employees.
“When you do something you’re not ready to do, that’s when you push yourself and when you grow,” she said.
Another area of growth for Mayer is in serving as a corporate director. Nextdoor Holdings, which offers the neighborhood-based app of the same name, this summer appointed Mayer to its board. She also serves on the boards of Walmart and AT&T.
According to Mayer, encircling herself with the right crowd is another important factor and stood out when she contemplated a future at Google. One of Mayer’s closest friends was working at Google, and said she was already “really impressed” with Page and Brin.
“I always surrounded myself with the smartest people I could find,” Mayer said. “Because I think that when you’re surrounded by smart people, they challenge you, and they make you think about things, you know, harder and and just rise to another level.”
All of those factors made Mayer’s decision easy. Mayer stayed at Google for more than a decade until she was offered the top job at Yahoo. Although Mayer was often criticized during her time there, she still tripled the company’s stock price and navigated it through a sale to Verizon in 2017. Mayer now runs an AI startup called Sunshine, which raised $20 million in 2020 “to simplify and learn from people’s digital address books,” Fortune reported.