It is not enough to have a good product. The most important thing is to understand the direction of the industry. When you hear two things “I have always done it this way” or “ everybody does it this way”, you know there’s an opportunity to do something different and add value. 光有好的产品是不够的,最重要的是理解行业的方向。如果你听到别人说这么两句话—“我总是这么做”或是“大家都这么做”你就知道能做些与众不同的事能增加价值了。 ——美国人阿德尔森是澳门新赌场的投资者。他改变了以往草率的投资风格,开始有了自己的投资原则。 The things that make a good leader are being open-minded, having a willingness to really ask for and accept advice, showing a sense of humility and putting the right people in the right seats. 成为一名领导人需要的素质包括:思想开明、真心诚意寻求并听取意见、为人谦虚,并且知人善任。 ——高盛公司CEO 汉克•鲍尔森谈领导人的素质。 The bible shows how to deal with all sort of people, from oligarchs to dissidents, angry people. 《圣经》告诉人们如何与形形色色的人打交道,不论是寡头政治的执政者,还是持不同政见的、愤怒的人。 ——百思买公司CEO称《圣经》是有关领导力方面最好的书。 There are always 100 different reasons not to do a deal. Most acquisition fail. Big acquisitions, in particular, usually don’t work out. But acting in the fact of skepticism is part of eBay’s DNA. 不做一件事,总有100个理由。大多数收购都是失败的,特别是大型收购。但在别人都怀疑的情况下行动,是eBay基因的一部分。 ——eBay首席执行官梅格•惠特曼谈公司斥资26亿美元收购Skype。 I have to make sure that we got rid of the saboteurs, built a strong cadre of disciples, and moved all the fence sitters to the positive side. 我必须确保铲除蓄意破坏者,建立强大的追随队伍,并且争取所有的骑墙派。 ——宝洁公司CEO雷富礼谈如何面对内部的批评,他把公司员工分为三派。 相关稿件