Anything that is morally wrong is ultimately bad for business. 凡是道德上的错误的事,最终对生意也不会有好处。 ——理查德•布兰森(Richard Branson, 维珍集团创始人) Someone who’s successful in any area has figured out at least two things: how to get the most out of themselves, and tat attention to detail matters. 不论是哪个领域的成功人士,都至少弄懂了两件事:一是怎么样最大限度发挥自己的潜在力,二是重视细节。 ——安德鲁•阿加西(Andre Agassi, 前网球明星) When you are trying to solve a problem, always bring it back to the simplest for mulation. 当你试图解决一个问题时,一定要把它带回到最简单的表述中。 ——穆罕默德•尤努斯(Muhammad Yunus,诺贝尔和平奖获得者) Hire smart, define the market problem, simplify the solution. 雇佣最合适的人,确定市场难题,简化解决方案。 ——拉姆•施拉姆的创业三要素(Ram Shriram, 谷歌公司董事) We passionately believe that our people should share in Starbuck’s success through ownership in the form of stock options. This is not an expense but rather an investment. 我们坚信员工应该得到星巴克的股票来分享公司的成功。这不是支出,而是投资。 The only way to acquire mal authority is through your character and contribution, to live in such a way as to merit the confidence and the trust of other people. 获得道德威信的唯一办法,就是展现你的品质与贡献,以值得人们信赖和信任的方式生活。 ——史蒂芬•科维(Stephen Covey, 畅销书作家) Simplicity is an important trend we are focused on. Technology is becoming overly complex, but simplicity was one of the reasons that people gravitated to Google initially. 简约是我们关注的重要趋势。技术正在变得过于复杂,而简约正是谷歌当初吸引人的一个原因。 ——谢尔盖•布林(Sergey Brin, 谷歌公司创始人之一) 相关稿件