The first method for estimating the intelligence of a ruler is to look at the men he has around him. 评估一个统治者智力的首要方法,就是看看他周围的人。 ——马基雅维利(Niccolo Machiavelli, 意大利文艺复兴时期思想家) Organizational effectiveness does not lie in that narrow minded concept called rationality. It lies in the blend of clearheaded logic and powerful intuition. 组织的有效性并不在于那个称为合理性的坐井观天的概念。它是清晰的逻辑和强有力的直觉的融合。 ——亨利•明兹伯格(Henry Mintzberg, 管理学家) Concentration is the secret of strengths in politics, in war, in trade, in short in all management of human affairs. 专注,是政治、战争、商业中显示力量的秘诀。简言之,也是处理所有人类事务的秘诀。 ——爱默生(Ralph Waldo Emerson, 美国19世纪哲学家、文学家) Keep focused on the substantive issues. To make a decision means having to go through one door and closing all others. 要集中关注实质性的问题。作出决策,意味着得关上所有其他的门,从一个们走出去。 ——阿伯拉罕• 扎莱兹尼克(Abraham Zzleznik, 美国管理学者) Great is the human who has not his childlike heart. 大人者,不失其赤子之心者也。 ——孟子(中国古代思想家,选自《孟子•离娄下》 相关稿件