

Ethan Rouen 2011年12月23日


    宾夕法尼亚大学沃顿商学院(The Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania)已经与几家风险资本公司合作,开创了一种新方式,能够让MBA学生和公司更容易地实现对接。


    米歇尔•霍平是沃顿商学院MBA就业管理办公室(the Wharton MBA Career Management Office)的项目经理。她说,在第一轮选择结束后,初创企业通常会启动申请流程,它们在以案例为基础的传统面试中增加了很多新元素。








Enter the job auction

    The Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania has created partnerships with several venture capital firms to create an easier way for MBA students and companies to pair up.

    Every year, startups with VC backing submit requests for interns to Wharton's career services office. Students then bid on positions in an auction, which reduces the number of people competing for any given internship and ensures that the companies see resumes from the most interested candidates.

    After that first round, startups often begin an application process that adds many twists to the traditional case-based interview, says Michelle Hopping, senior associate director at the Wharton MBA Career Management Office.

    "Companies ask students to do homework in advance of the interview to show fit and passion," she says. "Startups use this to act as a filter. 'Is he committed to this position, or is he dropping a hundred resumes?'"

    From video resumes to business development pitches, job seekers are expected to distinguish themselves from the outset because startups usually do not have HR managers to serve as buffers before top candidates meet the busy executives they will be working for.

    "Often, at the MBA level, they are looking for someone who can serve in a consultant role," Hopping says. "Someone who can help with the problem of 'We're growing so fast, we can't figure out how to continue doing what we do.'"

Eschewing the traditional post-MBA career

    Hopping says that Wharton created the internship auction program in response to student demand. MBA students have been exiting school less afraid to buck the traditional career paths of consulting, investment banking, or working at a large corporation.

    At a startup, a recent graduate often gets to touch every aspect of a business and play a senior role from the start, while the company gets a generalist used to hard work.

    Still, this ideal fit is taking a while to catch on. With just-in-time hiring and limited travel budgets, smaller companies often find a shallower talent pool come graduation in May, after students have been wined and dined by big companies with impressive recruiting budgets. For students, it's a trade-off between a near-sure thing and a much riskier -- though potentially more exciting -- venture.

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