10. 纳拉雅纳•穆尔蒂 公司名称:印孚瑟斯 销售额:60亿美元 市值:320亿美元 员工人数:145,088 建议: 今天的付出会换来明天的回报 1974年,28岁的纳拉雅纳•穆尔蒂是一位政治左倾的工程师。那年,在从法国回印度的火车上,他和一位乘客聊起了“住在一个铁幕国家的痛苦”。他说:“我们的谈话被一帮警察打断了,后来我推断这些警察是一个年轻人召来的,他认为我们正在批评保加利亚的共产党政府。” 穆尔蒂被拖出车厢,关在一间没有食品和水的小房间里长达72小时后,之后又被扔上另一辆出站的火车上,最后才在伊斯坦布尔获释。这段经历令穆尔蒂对左翼不再抱有任何好感,也最终帮助他成为了印度、乃至全球最成功的资本家之一。他意识到如果他想成为一个改革派,那必须是在一个与共产主义格格不入的系统中。 他证明了印度可以承担起传统上是西方国家后花园的软件开发工作,与全球展开竞争。穆尔蒂是印孚瑟斯(Infosys)的六位共同创始人之一,担任公司的首席执行官长达21年,帮助推动了外包革命,为印度经济带来了几十亿美元的财富,并将这个国家变成了全球的后台支持部。 他的重要经验:一个从零起步的组织必须要有一个经得起考验的价值体系,能聚拢一批人。“那就是今天的付出终将成就明天的回报,”现年65岁、仍担任着名誉董事长一职的穆尔蒂解释称。“它意味着全心付出,努力工作,挫折失意,远离家人,而唯一的希望就是,未来的某一天终将获得足够的回报。” |
10. Narayana Murthy Company: Infosys Sales: $6.0 billion Market Value: $32 billion Employees: 145,088 Advice: Sacrifice today, cash in tomorrow. In 1974, Narayana Murthy was a 28-year-old politically left-leaning engineer on his way home to India from France. During his journey on a train, he struck up a conversation with one of the passengers "about the travails of living in an Iron Curtain country." He says: "We were interrupted by some policemen who, I later gathered, were summoned by a young man who thought we were criticizing the Communist government of Bulgaria." Murthy was dragged out of the train and left in a small room without food or water for 72 hours, then thrown back on another departing train and released in Istanbul. His treatment purged Murthy of any affinity he had for the left and would ultimately help make him one of India's and the world's most successful capitalists. If he was to be a reformer, he realized, it would have to be through a system that was rejected by the Communists. He proved that India could compete with the world by taking on the software development work that had long been the province of the West. As one of six co-founders of Infosys and the CEO for 21 years, Murthy helped spark the outsourcing revolution that has brought billions of dollars in wealth into the Indian economy and transformed his country into the world's back office. His important lesson: An organization starting from scratch must coalesce around a team of people with an enduring value system. "It is all about sacrifice today, fulfillment tomorrow," explains Murthy, 65, who is now chairman emeritus. "It is all about sacrifice, hard work, lots of frustration, being away from your family, in the hope that someday you will get adequate returns from that." |