

Jack and Suzy Welch 2012年04月23日


    过去三年,奥巴马采取了类似于“划分阵营、各个击破”的方式,四处树敌,名单囊括了银行家、医疗保险公司、石油公司、富有的纳税人、美国国会以及最近的美国最高法院(the Supreme Court)。这份名单或许就连当年的尼克松总统也会为自己感到欣慰。当然,奥巴马的支持者们肯定认为这一策略是有效的,但不可否认的是如今的美国比奥巴马上台时更加对立。





    Stark, too, is the difference between the candidates' leadership styles.

    Over the past three years, Obama has taken a sort of divide-and-conquer approach, amassing a list of enemies that would make Richard Nixon proud -- bankers, healthcare insurance providers, oil companies, wealthy taxpayers, Congress and, most recently, the Supreme Court. Surely, his supporters must think this particular tactic is effective, but there can be no denying that the country is more polarized than when Obama took office.

    Without doubt, Romney is not the model leader (his apparent lack of authenticity can be jarring), but he has a quality that would serve him well as president -- good old American pragmatism. Perhaps that's the businessman in him. Or perhaps you just learn to do what you've got to do when you're a GOP governor in the People's Republic of Massachusetts or the man charged with salvaging the scandal-ridden Salt Lake City Olympics. If Romney's long record suggests anything, it's that he knows how to manage people and organizations to get things accomplished without a lot of internecine warfare.

    Look, Obama may be a great campaigner and Romney (to date) somewhat the opposite. But neither man is running to be Campaigner-in-Chief.

    In politics, as in business, the leader's job needs to be filled by a leader, and no effective leader, regardless of ideology, keeps an enemies list.

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