

Geoff Colvin 2012年06月04日


    我是幸运的。我就读的是美国海军军官学校(United States Naval Academy)。学校教育我们,不论身在军队还是在民间,都要报效祖国。相信我,我本人绝对支持自由市场,也希望过上好日子,为家人提供经济保障,但这个任命对我而言就是响应国家的召唤。



    Is there a larger lesson for people thinking about careers?

    I was blessed. I went to the United States Naval Academy, and they talk about service to the nation in positions of command and in the civilian world. Believe me, I believe in the free market and want to make a good living and create financial security for my family, but this was a call to service for me.

    I wasn't expecting it. It was somewhat of a dislocation -- I had to move, and I'm 60-some years old. It's a little late in life to try to reinvent yourself. But I thought I could be part of a greater team, and we have created a wonderful team at General Motors. I think our future is reasonably bright, but we're going to have to earn it every day, and it's a rewarding experience for all of us.

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