唐纳德•雷登 任职公司:房地美 今年五月,苦苦挣扎的房地美公司任命亿创理财(E*Trade)前CEO唐纳德•雷登为公司新任CEO。在此之前,房地美也在走马灯似的更换CEO:2008年,美国政府接管房地美及其姊妹公司房利美,同年理查德•塞郎离职,由戴维•墨菲特接任;2009年,查尔斯•哈德曼上台,成为房地美新任CEO。 雷登在房地美的日子绝不会轻松。首先,他得收拾哈德曼留下的烂摊子,比如减少困难房主的抵押贷款本金。奥巴马政府对于减少抵押贷款本金非常支持,但房地美和房利美的直属监管机构美国联邦住房金融局(Federal Housing Finance Agency)至今仍然极力反对这种做法。 雷登担任亿创理财CEO之前曾在摩根大通(JPMorgan Chase)工作了30年,这段经历让他在金融领域积累了丰富的经验,希望这些经验能帮助房地美经受住未来的考验。房地美前任CEO哈德曼在公布雷登任职的新闻发布会上称:“我很高兴公司董事会能吸引唐纳德这样优秀的私营部门领导人。”而公司董事会接下来要做的就是想方设法留住雷登。 |
Donald Layton Company: Freddie Mac This past May, former E*Trade CEO Donald Layton took over as CEO of the struggling Freddie Mac. He followed a string of leaders at the company: Freddie's former CEO Charles Haldeman started in 2009, after David Moffett replaced Richard Syron in 2008, the year that the government seized control of Freddie and its larger sibling Fannie Mae. Layton has his work cut out for him. For one, he will have to pick up where Haldeman left off on sticky issues like mortgage principal reduction for struggling homeowners, which the Obama Administration favors, but the Federal Housing Finance Agency, Freddie and Fannie's overseeing regulator, still opposes. Before Layton was CEO of E*Trade, he worked at JPMorgan Chase for 30 years, which hopefully gave him the kind of financial experience that will allow him to guide Freddie Mac through its challenges going forward. "I'm pleased that the Board was able to attract a private sector leader of Don's caliber," former Freddie CEO Haldeman said in a press release announcing Lymon's hiring. The next step will be to get him to stay a while. |