

Nina Easton 2012年06月21日

    保持品牌信息一致。“只有一个品牌。我们越始终如一,我们更能发挥协同效应。 从供应商到投资者,对每个人来说,博柏利的网站都会向其传达这个信息。






    Stay on message. "There's only one brand. The more consistent we are, the more aligned [we can be]." With everyone from suppliers to investors, the themes emanate from Burberry.com, "our million-square foot story."

    Always do what's best for the brand. "Don't do what's best for any individual for any division, for any department." That alone, she says, "takes the ego out. It unites everyone around one common theme."

    "Give 60 and take 40". That was a lesson that Ahrendts' father, an entrepreneur in a small Indiana town, taught his six children—along with faith, strong family values, and a work ethic. As a child, Ahrendts "took on the role of spectator. I never took on the role of fighter. I was the observer, and it has served me well [in management]. I much prefer to listen."

    Link your team. Burberry sends out monthly webcasts to employees, hip videos come out weekly, and sales associates in 500 stores are treated to previews of ad campaigns before the media sees them. "Knowledge is power. So the more the associates know about the strategy, about what's coming," the better they can perform. "Everyone talks about building a relationship with your customer. I think you build one with your employees first."

    Use two-way conversation to find and recruit top talent from within. Remember this about digital natives: "They're hard for companies to attract but they're even harder to retain. Because they have so much access to so much."

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