

《财富》 2012年08月02日




    张瑞敏成功地改造了青岛电冰箱厂(Qingdao Refrigerator Factory),把它从一个产品质量低劣,常年亏损的工厂打造成了全球最大的家电公司。目前,海尔集团(Haier Group)的营收已经高达230亿美元。这一切都要归功于张瑞敏打破常规、精明娴熟的战略运作:他没有为西方竞争对手提供低廉的代工服务,而是决定打造海尔自己的品牌;他不是模仿其他公司,而是自行开设了10个研发中心,自主研发海尔的技术。今年63岁的张瑞敏已经成功攻克了全球范围内广阔的市场和冰箱行业,现在,他又把目标瞄准了欧洲。像张瑞敏这样的战略官,任何团队都希望他为自己、而不是对手效力。


    1.Zhang Ruimin

    Position:Chief strategist

    Currently:CEO, Haier Group

    Zhang built the old Qingdao Refrigerator Factory from a failing maker of poor products into the world's largest appliance company, with $23 billion in revenue. He did it through unconventional but deft strategic moves: Instead of doing low-cost manufacturing for Western rivals, he decided to build Haier's brand; rather than copy other companies, he opened 10 R&D centers to develop Haier's own technology. Having conquered many global markets (and the dorm-fridge business), Zhang, 63, is now targeting Europe. This is a strategist you want on your team -- and not on your opponent's.


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