

SHELLEY DUBOIS 2012年08月24日



    在担任制片厂主席期间,迪斯尼经历了两次票房惨败——2011年的《火星救母记》(Mars Needs Moms)和另外一部火星主题电影《异星战场》( John Carter),总计损失了数亿美元。罗斯在迪斯尼的问题或许在于适应性方面,但在下一份工作中,他必须充分利用自己在电影领域之外的专业知识。


    Rich Ross

    Rich Ross may not have been the best fit for studio chief at Disney. He said as much in his April resignation letter, writing that he was stepping down from the position after about 2.5 years on the job. Ross had previously been a TV executive at the company before joining the film side.

    Under his watch as studio chief, Disney released two very costly flops -- Mars Needs Moms in 2011, and another Mars-themed movie, John Carter, which posted a loss of hundreds of millions of dollars. Ross's problems at Disney might have been a fit issue, but it looks like for his next gig, he'll likely have to use his expertise outside of the realm of film.

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