

Patricia Sellers 2012年10月22日

可口可乐公司的克拉克(左侧)和作者在《财富》杂志 “最具影响力女性峰会”上

    说到社交媒体的行家,可口可乐公司(Coca-Cola)算是一家。可口可乐是Facebook上最大的消费者品牌。在本月初举办的《财富》(Fortune )“最具影响力女性峰会”上,我采访了可口可乐整合营销沟通与能力高级副总裁温蒂•克拉克。就在我们登台的前一天,克拉克给我发了一封电子邮件,分享了她的看法。这封邮件是她在飞往南加州的航班上写的。邮件流露出过人的智慧,给人深刻的启发。因此,昨天可口可乐公司公布了季度营收后,我就向她征求意见,是否允许我与广大读者分享这封邮件。克拉克欣然同意。本文就是温蒂•克拉克建议的就如何在社交媒体上打造一个伟大的品牌给出的七大法则:

    1. 所做之事都应值得分享。


    2. 倾听,随后真诚地、富有人情味地予以回应。


    3. 大处着眼,小处着手,快速复制成功模式。


    4. 社交媒体并非灵丹妙药,但能让所有其他事物变得更好。


    In social media, Coke is it. Coca-Cola is the biggest consumer brand on Facebook (FB). At the Fortune Most Powerful Women Summit earlier this month, I interviewed Wendy Clark, SVP of Integrated Marketing Communications and Capabilities at Coca-Cola (KO). The day before we hit the stage, Clark sent me an email to share her ideas. That email, which she wrote on the plane on her way to southern California, was so helpful and so smart that yesterday, after Coke reported its quarterly earnings, I pinged her to ask if she would let me share it with you. She graciously agreed. So here are Wendy Clark's seven rules for building a mega-brand in social media:

    1. Be share-worthy in everything you do.

    In a market that is now completely socially connected, we increasingly are thinking about our audience in two ways: our Initial Audience--those we can reach directly (52 MM Facebook fans, 600k Twitter followers, 18MM My Coke rewards members, etc)--and our Ultimate Audience, which is those people whom our Initial Audience can reach for us. For Coca-Cola, our Facebook fans are just over one fan or friend away from the entire Facebook community of 1 billion+. So if we do our job well of developing useful, compelling, interesting and share-worthy content, our fans become our sales force for us.

    2. Listen. Then respond authentically and humanly.

    The days of hiding behind two-sentence corporate statements have to end. This is easier said than done. We're still unlearning this. Consumers and all constituents expect more. Coca-Cola isn't a faceless corporation to them; it's a brand they love and enjoy throughout their day. So when they interact with us, they expect that same experience: a human interaction. There are more than 15,000 Tweets everyday on brand Coca-Cola; any that are a question, we answer. We have to. Consumers' expectations are that we're listening and responding.

    3. Think big. Start small. Scale fast.

    If you have an ambition that you want to double the size of your business in, say, 10 years, you had better have a big innovation pipeline to help get you there. When we're at our best, we think massively, but we beta and test that thinking in small bets to learn. To meet our innovation (and growth) ambitions, we are trying to get much better at discussing failures or learnings. For a big company like ours, it's critical. Because we're built for scale and if we don't get better at testing, learning and then scaling, we have the potential of scaling the wrong thing perfectly.

    4. Social is not a silver bullet. But social can make everything else better.

    So much is made of social media and marketing that we can tend to overrate what it can do. We do not see social marketing as a standalone. Rather, our mantra for our media and connections planning is "social at the heart." So we think in terms of ideas and campaigns that are social (share-worthy) at their core and then we think about how we can amplify the ideas and campaigns. Too often, we get asked if our TV investment is declining and our social/digital investment growing. This is the wrong question. It's not an EITHER, it's an AND.

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