5. 内容是新型通货,应该创作值得流通的内容。 YouTube上每分钟上传的视频长达72小时,因此这个世界一点都不缺内容。明白这一点之后,你就必须让自己创作出的内容有用、有趣、重要、值得分享。之所以有这样的认识,是因为我们发现,我们自己写的微博和状态更新所获得的互动效果,要远远好于广告公司帮我们写的内容。我们还认识到,在社交营销中,重复并不总是好事。当我们推出大热视频“可口可乐快乐售货机”并被大量转发后,我们的第一反应就是复制这段视频,然而这些复制的视频点击率超低,让我们大失所望。 6. 我们可以是自己品牌的守护者、管理者和监护者,却不再是控制者。 在品牌构建过程中,我们应该与粉丝打成一片,共同创造品牌形象。我曾估算过,有关可口可乐的在线内容中,10-20%来自可口可乐公司,其他80%斗来自网友。我们要想办法加入网上社区,与粉丝们共同构建品牌。 7. 每个人都是品牌传播大使。 根据最初受众与最终受众的原则,我们越来越深信,每个人都是我们的品牌传播大使,而不仅仅是受众。其中包括消费者、员工、非盈利组织合作伙伴、媒体等等。所以我们的原则就变成了,我们创作和讲述的内容是那些我们希望被人津津乐道的故事。 译者:清远 |
5. Content is the new currency. Create accordingly. With 72 hours of content uploaded every minute on YouTube (GOOG), the world is not suffering from lack of content. With this in mind, content creation has to be useful, interesting, important, share-worthy. We learned this in seeing the difference in interaction level between status updates and Tweets that we wrote vs. those that our agencies wrote. We also learned that replication isn't always a good thing in social marketing. When we had a hit viral video in Coca-Cola Happiness machine, our first instinct was to replicate the film. We did that and had a fraction of the views. 6. We might be shepherds, stewards and guardians of our brands, but we no longer control them. At best, we get to participate and co-create with our fans. I'd estimate that 10-20% of the content and conversation on our brands comes from us. The other 80%+ comes from others. So we need to get invited in to these communities and co-create with our fans. 7. Think of your constituents as storytellers. Taking the principle of Initial and Ultimate audiences, we're increasingly thinking about all of our constituents as storytellers, not just receivers of our content. This includes our consumers, employees, NGO partners, media, etc.. So our principle becomes that we create content and tell stories that we want to be retold. |