

Nina Easton 2013年01月15日





    从历史角度而言,具有讽刺意味的一点是,长期以来现代共和党人一直把他们的政治生涯想象成一场游击战,从上世纪80年代里根革新派观看电影《巴顿将军》(Patton, “全力进攻!让他们血流成河!”(巴顿鼓舞士气的演说词——译注)时欢呼雀跃,到前众议院议长纽特•金里奇问那些可能成为总统候选人的共和党成员,他们是否已经准备好像杰迪武士对抗达斯•维达那样和自由主义进行斗争,都是如此。拉斐尔•里德在他协助领导的基督教右翼意外崛起时也说过:“我在脸上涂上迷彩,在夜间行进。直到最后一刻,这一切才会结束。”



    译者:Charlie Zheng

    In crafting a way forward, Republicans should study another Obama guerrilla tactic -- this one from the 2012 campaign. The Obama campaign handed Republicans a pistol to aim at themselves in the form of its rule forcing Catholic organizations to offer birth control in their health plans. At the time, the rule seemed politically dumb: Why pick an election-year fight with the Catholic Church -- and its powerful voting block?

    In retrospect, the tactic was brilliant, slipping the words "birth control" into the Republican primary water table when none of the GOP candidates wanted to talk about it. Unlike abortion (Gallup shows a slim majority of Americans describe themselves as "pro-life"), birth control is a nearly universally-accepted fixture in American lives.

    So what better way to paint the GOP as extremist than to suggest the party wants to take birth control away from women, especially independent single women who will help decide the next presidential election? And, with staunch social conservatives in the race, why not let the party self-implode? No fingerprints needed.

    Right on script, leading GOP candidate Rick Santorum became the poster boy for the view that birth control is immoral and doesn't need to be covered by insurance. His attempt to parse the personal from policy -- insisting he didn't plan to take birth control away from millions of women --failed miserably, tarring the GOP and adding to the party's many self-inflicted wounds with voters in 2012.

    The historical irony here: Modern conservatives have long used the imagery of guerrilla war in their pursuit of politics, from Reagan revolutionaries in the 1980s celebrating the movie "Patton" ("Wade into them! Spill their blood!") to former Speaker Newt Gingrich asking potential candidates if they were ready to be Jedi knights against the Darth Vaders of liberalism. Here's Ralph Reed on the surprise rise of the Christian right he helped lead: "I paint my face and travel at night. You don't know it's over until you're in a body bag."

    Of course, the left have had their own guerilla strategists, especially the late community organizer Saul Alinsky, whose "rules for radicals" focuses largely on how to dissect and defeat political opponents. "Power is not only what you have, but what the enemy thinks you have," is one. Another: "Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it."

    President Obama rose to political fame on a promise to unite red and blue America. He spent his first years in office end-running Republicans -- on the stimulus, on healthcare reform, on Wall Street regulation. Now, emboldened by his re-election, he has figured out how to divide and weaken his foes.

    As GOP leaders look toward the next series of fiscal crises and entertain explosive talk of government shutdowns or defaults, they shouldn't forget the past year's lesson: Beware when this White House is handing you a suicide pistol.

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