

Megan Hustad 2013年03月12日
全食超市公司CEO约翰•马基认为,一旦公司过于关注是否能够达到财务目标, 它就很少能采取正确的行动。为什么?因为过分关注数字可能会模糊人们的视野,迷失远大的目标,导致公司的整个决策过程变质。






    这两位联合作者发起了一场英勇的捍卫战,捍卫对象包括维多利亚时代的自我救赎和书中所强调的个性的刻意塑造——他们还建议,如果你不知道自己想模仿的对象是谁,那么请参照“那些生动体现了高贵品格的虚拟人物,例如哈柏•李的小说《杀死一只知更鸟》(To Kill a Mockingbird)中的艾蒂科斯•芬奇,或者J.K.罗琳《哈利波特》(Harry Potter)系列小说中的阿不思•邓不利多。”


    对于这场艰苦卓绝的自我分析,马基在其电子邮件中所总结的最后辩护竟如此神秘地和纪录片《惊天秘密》(The Secret)扯上了关系——但考虑到此人拥有一家市值159.5亿美元的公司,因此这个结论吸引了众多的眼球。为什么要如此大费周章呢?在马基看来,这会让你更有吸引力。


    Mackey allows that good outcomes from acting in line with one's higher purpose may not always be the expected, or even hoped-for, results. "Depending on the quality of our actions and external factors, they could be different but far better."

    Different and better, how? Mackey pointed me to a story in his book of how Whole Foods (WFM) team members at its Hartford, Conn. store gave away free groceries as a snowstorm loomed and cash registers stopped functioning. "It resulted in an outpouring of positive media coverage and resultant goodwill that far exceeded anything they had expected," Mackey added.

    It's not too cynical, I hope, to imagine someone on the ground there had correctly guessed that giving away groceries would generate positive word-of-mouth, and that that might ultimately maximize profits. But Mackey is intent on insisting that the growth of Whole Foods depended on his personal willingness to experiment. From the book: "More than once in the history of Whole Foods Market, the company was unable to collectively evolve until I myself was able to evolve -- in other words, I was holding the company back. My personal growth enabled the company to evolve."

    Mackey maintains that a leader who is psychologically or spiritually stuck can hinder a company's growth prospects and ability to adapt to shifting market circumstances. But to look outward with a clear eye, business leaders need to look inward first.

    Conscious Capitalism recommends several practices that Mackey and Sisodia claim will heighten a person's leadership ability, with suggestions like: "Enhance … self-awareness so we know when we are truly following our hearts," and "Use the energy that fear creates to focus the mind more intently on the present moment --where fear doesn't exist." If you're not emotionally intelligent, try harder. Easier said than done.

    The co-authors launch into a spirited defense of Victorian-era self-help and its emphasis on the deliberate cultivation of character -- and suggest that if you don't know anyone personally whose behavior you want to emulate, look "to fictional characters who vividly express admirable virtues, such as Atticus Finch in Harper Lee's To Kill a Mockingbird or Albus Dumbledore in J. K Rowling's series of Harry Potter novels."

    "It's useful to ask," the book continues, "'Why does this make me angry?' 'Why am I excited about that?' 'Why am I envious of that person?' 'Why do I feel joyful about this?' 'Why am I experiencing love?'"

    One final word of advice: If you wouldn't want to read about you having done it, maybe don't do it. "Examine our every action through the lens of how we would feel if it were to become front page news."

    Mackey's final justification for this strenuous self-analysis, which concluded his email, is so mystical it verges on The Secret-territory -- but it's compelling coming from someone whose company has a $15.95 billion market cap. Why go to all this trouble? In Mackey's view, it makes you more attractive.

    "The key point is that when you do something good with the right motives, you make a lot of new and unanticipated connections. You become an 'attractor,' pulling people toward you who are doing similar things. This multiplies and extends what you set out to do in synergistic and serendipitous ways."

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