

Prasad Kaipa,John Edson 2013年04月27日

    • 家庭自动化。这个领域近年来呈爆炸式增长,苹果进入得有些晚了。但苹果的一家衍生公司——Nest与其可谓是天作之合。Nest的主打产品是智能恒温器,由苹果前iPod及iPhone部门高管托尼•法德尔掌舵。苹果绝对应该考虑把这家公司收入囊中。

    • 改进用户界面和体验。这点我们马上能看到。去年,由于苹果地图开发不力,iOS部门高级副总裁斯科特•福斯特被扫地出门,乔纳森•伊夫随后接管了用户界面的开发工作。苹果此前的用户界面设计哲学是“向现实世界看齐”,而伊夫显然对此不感冒。他将给我们带来全新的Mac和iOS体验。



    约翰•埃德森是Lunar Design公司总裁,著有《像苹果一样设计:创造伟大产品、服务和体验的七大原则》(威力出版社,2012年出版)。(财富中文网)


    • Home automation. This is a category that is already exploding, and Apple is a bit late. But a natural fit would be the Apple spinout, Nest, which produces smart thermostats. Led by former iPod and iPhone executive, Tony Fadell, Nest would make a perfect acquisition for Apple.

    • Revamp the look and feel. This is surely coming, with the ouster of iOS senior VP Scott Forstall after last year's failed Apple Maps launch and when Jony Ive took over control of the UI (user interface) development. Ive has not been a fan of the way Apple interfaces have been designed to look like metaphors of the real world and is surely working on a new look for Mac and iOS.

    Some critics say Cook has become weak, arguing that Ive's team is taking over Apple and the pendulum has swung too far in the direction of design. In our minds, that is exactly what Apple needs. For Apple to design like the Apple of the past, Cook and Ive have to become as close as Jobs and Ive once were. Both are wise enough to see the need and opportunity. It is just a matter of time before Apple starts its disruptive journey all over again.

    Prasad Kaipa is an executive coach and co-author, with innovation expert Navi Radjou, of From Smart to Wise: Acting and Leading with Wisdom (Jossey-Bass, April 2013). John Edson is president of Lunar Design and author of Design Like Apple: Seven Principles For Creating Insanely Great Products, Services, and Experiences (Wiley, 2012).

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