

Anne Fisher 2013年05月09日




    UPS (UPS) has raised employee communication to an art form, according to Baskin. Supervisors there "talk to their teams, but the company also has a great intranet site," she says. "They also publish a magazine they mail to employees' homes, and they are constantly tweeting, whether it's to congratulate a driver on an anniversary with the company or to give news like, 'We just delivered an elephant to the San Diego Zoo.'

    "The more different ways you can find to reach out to your people in the field, the more likely it is that they'll get the information you're trying to convey," she adds.

    Of course, that doesn't mean they'll always like what they hear. A sizable group (43%) of employees told Tribe's researchers that they don't know their company's vision for growth. Among those who did, some made comments like this one: "Unfortunately, the vision is totally different from my view."

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