

Jennifer Alsever 2013年06月19日



    这段视频也让A&E TV电视台产生了灵感,它在一个名为《我要当老板》(Be the Boss)的全新系列剧中专门为安缇安如意卷公司制作了一期节目。参与这期节目的如意卷分店经理有机会赢得一个属于自己的如意卷店面。

    这类电视竞赛节目现在还出现了另一个主题:团队建设。一家名叫Canadian Outback的加拿大公司根据《极速前进》(The Amazing Race)、《顶级厨师》(Top Chef)和《飞黄腾达》等备受欢迎的真人秀节目,为eBay、雀巢(Nestle)和通用磨坊(General Mills)等客户组织团队建设活动。

    但对于组织而言,这种模仿真人秀的比赛是否肯定有益?《不要比赛:反对竞争的理由》(The Case Against Competition)一书的作者阿尔•菲科恩说,几十年来在工作场所和课堂进行的研究表明,这种比赛不仅不起作用,其实还会产生适得其反的结果——特别是一些需要创意或者需要解决更复杂问题的任务。




    On camera, contestants divided into teams and ran a busy store inside a mall, swapping jobs rolling pretzels, handling customer complaints, and handing out samples. The video mimicked the style of realty TV with dramatic pauses, contestant interviews, and a surprise visit from the company founder Anne Beiler, who ordered a pretzel in disguise.

    "They kept you in suspense and would take you aside and get you to respond to what just happened on camera," says Crescent Chapman, a Grandville, Mich. store manager who won the contest. "My heart would be racing."

    The video prompted A&E TV to feature Auntie Anne's in a new series called Be the Boss. In the episode, pretzel store managers competed for the chance to win their own pretzel operation.

    TV competition themes are playing out in yet another way: team-building exercises. A Canada-based company called Canadian Outback puts on team-building events based on popular shows like The Amazing Race, Top Chef, and The Apprentice for clients like eBay (EBAY), Nestle, and General Mills (GIS).

    But is that kind of reality TV competition necessarily healthy for organizations? For decades, studies in workplaces and classrooms have shown that competition isn't just ineffective but actually counterproductive -- particularly on tasks that require creativity or more sophisticated problem solving, says Alfi Kohn, author of No Contest: The Case Against Competition.

    On the surface, it sounds good, but usually it's the biggest jerk who wins, which is what you don't want in the workplace," adds Alexander Kjerulf, a Dutch consultant who focuses on happiness at work. He says that contrary to what most people think, most of us perform worse when we're competing.

    At Aflac, the Idol-style competition didn't necessarily bring out the best in Brenna Skeen, a 31-year-old Aflac compliance analyst. In 2010, she stood in front of judges because she wanted more challenges in her job but she describes the experience as a "train wreck" in which she veered away from her intended script as judges looked at her and said little. "It was terrifying," says Skeen.

    The competition taught her that she is better suited to handle back-end data jobs rather than a sales leadership position. She was grateful for the chance to make it known that she wanted more in her job because managers since promoted her three times inside the insurer's compliance department.

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