

Jennifer Alsever 2013年06月19日



    她的故事并没有就此结束。几个月后,贝默拉斯的工作变成了一个全职的营销职位。哈珀这时候抛出了另一个源自电视真人秀的概念:SceneTap公司的5位核心员工(都是二十来岁的年轻人)搬入奥斯汀市的一栋住宅,一起生活和工作,哈珀本人也住在这栋房子——这完全是真人秀《现实世界》(The Real World)的模式。

    SceneTap公司当时参加了一个加速器计划,还准备在奥斯丁的西南偏南音乐节(South by Southwest)正式推出他们的产品。哈珀希望这支团队迅速展开工作,并能够拧成一股绳。贝默拉斯和4位其他员工同意了这项安排,一起工作、生活了10个月。个人隐私被抛出了窗外,室友们时常为宠物和吃饭等琐事争执不休。头脑风暴会经常延开刀凌晨时分。“根本分不清我们什么时候下班,”当时居住在这间屋子的SceneTap公司业务发展总监安德鲁•尼曼这样说道。




    That kind of insight into an employee's strengths and weaknesses is exactly why entrepreneur Cole Harper pulls his hiring strategies from shows like Shark Tank and The Apprentice. He is CEO of Chicago-based SceneTap, a mobile app company that offers real-time demographics on nightclubs and bars, and he wants to ensure new hires can adapt to change.

    For instance, in 2010, Harper interviewed 23-year-old Danielle Bemoras for an internship. He wanted it to be awkward, so he met her at a bar, ordered a beer, and invited a competing job candidate for a joint job interview. While her competitor talked over others and dominated the conversation, Bemoras ordered water and remained respectful. Bemoras got the internship.

    It didn't stop there. A few months later, when Bemoras's job turned into a full-time marketing position, Harper threw out another concept stolen from reality TV: Five core SceneTap employees -- all in their 20s -- would live and work together in a house in Austin, á la the Real World. (Harper would also live in the house.)

    Harper wanted the team to work quickly and gel together while SceneTap participated in an accelerator program and readied for a launch at South by Southwest in Austin. Bemoras and four other employees agreed to the deal, sharing work and living space for 10 months. Personal privacy went out the window, roommates bickered over pets and dishes, and brainstorming sessions often extended into the wee-morning hours. "You could never tell when you were off the clock," says Andrew Nieman, SceneTap's director of business development who lived in the house.

    As it turned out, some of the best marketing and branding ideas came out of that 24-hour work environment, says Bemoras. Although she says she would not want to do it again, Bemoras and the four other employees remain close today -- just as Harper hoped.

    Some of their best bonding moments together? Watching reality TV.

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