

《财富》杂志 2013年07月11日




    2012年,斯利姆开始执掌塔塔汽车公司(Tata Motors)。这位英国人现在是全球汽车大家族中的一员。在英国读完大学后,他在英国丰田汽车(Toyota)开启了自己的职业生涯,之后曾在通用汽车(GM)的波兰、加拿大、中国和印度公司担任多个职位,最后加入塔塔汽车公司。处于初期的印度汽车市场继续间歇式发展(2013财年前九个月,它在印度的净收入下降了10%),塔塔汽车公司可能正需要一位经验丰富的汽车业高管,从不同地域角度对汽车市场进行过深入了解,而斯利姆正是这样的人选。(财富中文网)


    Karl Slym - Tata Motors

    Company headquarters: India

    CEO's home country: U.K.

    Slym took over as managing director at Tata Motors (TTM) in 2012. The U.K. native is a citizen of today's global automotive world. After finishing college in England, he began his career atToyota (TM) U.K., and then held a variety of positions with GM (GM, Fortune 500) in Poland, Canada, China, and India, before moving to Tata. As the nascent Indian car market continues to mature in fits and starts (India-based net revenues the first nine months of fiscal 2013 were down by 10%), Tata will likely need to lean on the expertise of auto execs like Slym, who have seen the market from a variety of geographical angles.

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