

Harrison Monarth 2013年07月11日








    Empathic interviewers might anticipate questions from rejected applicants such as, "What could I have done differently that would have gotten me the job?" Emphasize to the rejected candidate that you can't get into a debate, but that you have time to offer one piece of advice. Let the person know what they did well, so they can make use of that strength during their next interview.

    Phone calls offering advice can be risky, as the rejected applicant is likely to ask questions the employer may not be prepared to answer, Harris explains. If you must use the phone, he advises making sure there is another representative of the employer on the line to be a witness.

    For instance, one employer in New York City told an applicant in a casual phone call that they were rejected because they hadn't been working for the past six months and the employer wanted to hire someone with more recent and ongoing experience. "Though this may sound like reasonable feedback, as of June 11, 2013, discrimination against the unemployed is illegal in New York City, and the employer's comment may be actionable," says Harris.

    Another way to help would be to ask a candidate where they believed they might have done better in the interview, or demonstrated more compatibility with the position. This offers them a chance to work through problem areas while giving the hiring manager a better sense of the candidate's self-awareness. This could be valuable in more ways than one, if the person decides to reapply for a job at the company.

    Even the best intentions can lead to disaster, though. Management and HR consultant Abhay Padgaonkar recently saw a letter sent by the hiring team at a large technology firm that offered educational references so the rejected candidate could sharpen their technical interviewing skills before applying again. "At the end of the email was a listing of 20 different books in three different areas," Padgaonkar explains. "Dumping a list of 20 books for self-improvement is hardly helpful," he contends.

    Then again, sending someone a thoughtfully chosen link to an article on a concept that hints at the key areas a candidate needs to work on might be the wink that gets past the lawyers and into a grateful applicant's interview toolbox.

    Harrison Monarth is the founder of GuruMaker -- School of Professional Speaking. He's also the author of The Confident Speaker and Executive Presence.

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