

Iris Mansour 2013年08月30日

    虽然数码产品的山寨市场规模很庞大,但还是比不上进入美国的山寨服饰。在2012年美国查获的所有山寨商品中,服饰所占的比重达到29%,电子产品只占15%。福德汉姆大学(Fordham University)时尚法律与知识产权教授苏珊•斯卡菲迪指出,山寨服饰的比重之所以超过山寨数码产品,原因很简单:“仿造一款手机需要的技术仍然比仿造一个手提包复杂。”








    Despite the scale of the problem, there still seem to be fewer fake electronics than fake clothes and accessories reaching the U.S. Apparel and handbags represented 29% of all items seized in 2012 while 15% were electronics. Susan Scafidi, a professor in fashion law and intellectual property at Fordham University, says that the quantity of seized fashion goods still outstrips electronics for a simple reason: "It still takes more skill to craft a cellphone than to craft a handbag," says Scafidi.

    Knock-offs tend to be made in either a registered factory that makes them on the "third shift" after the legitimate product is made, shipping the counterfeits out the back door when no one is looking. Or then there's the purely clandestine factory that has no relation to the original product. Customers these days are also more easily duped, partly because the Internet gives items legitimacy more easily than a sale on a street corner would, and partly because they're harder to detect.

    "The measures that an apparel company has to take and an electronics company has to take are very similar," says Scafidi. She mentions the importance of trademarks, being careful when drawing up agreements with factories, and educating customs officials to spot fakes.

    Despite the best efforts of brands and officials, catching counterfeits is like slaying a hydra. Adrian Punderson, Vice President of Oakley Brand Protection says the apparel and accessories company's first line of defense is to attack production facilities. He estimates that once fakes get into the "stream of commerce" it costs approximately 100 times more to stop being sold. Yet Punderson says that during 2012, Oakley and Chinese officials raided a clandestine factory almost every other day. Despite that, the company is still making large seizures of counterfeit sunglasses from China, in locations on every continent.

    "They operate pretty much like you would see in a narcotics network," says Punderson. He says that manufacturers spread production between several factories, so if one gets raided the rest of the stash will still be intact. Once the goods are ready, they're immediately moved out. According to him, wholesalers are now the ones willing to take the risk of storing goods and moving them around, so they also have a larger share of the reward and the power.

    The network itself stretches across the world. Punderson describes how an Oakley investigator saw 10-15 pairs of counterfeit sunglasses in Acapulco, Mexico. They traced them back to a Venezuelan and a Columbian front company in Panama, which were shipping goods as far as Mexico and Venezuela.

    As always, there's a human cost to getting fake Beats headphones and Oakley Sunglasses at rock bottom prices. Says Punderson, "There's no way that any government in the world would allow a legitimate factory to operate that way -- in the conditions these people work in -- it's pretty frightening."  

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