即将出版的新书《新官上任》(First-Time Leader)一书的作者乔治•布拉特说:“更成功的人考虑的不是人脉,而是对接:我该如何把这种需求与这种资源进行对接?他们相信帮助他人就是在帮助自己。”
不要让其他人的问题和紧急请求打乱自己一天的安排,自己决定个人需要完成和做好哪项任务,同时把它作为你的第一要务。把它们列在便条贴上,粘在墙上。一旦有电子邮件或电话让你分心,这些便条贴就可以提醒你。 |
Identify people you admire inside and outside your company, whether for their technical or soft skills, and make an effort to cultivate them. Continually look for ways you can help these individuals rather than focusing on what you can get out of it.
"The people that are more successful aren't thinking about networking, they're thinking about connecting: How do I connect this need with this resource?" says George Bradt, author of the forthcoming book First-Time Leader. "They fundamentally believe by helping everybody they're helping themselves."
Taking into consideration another person's goals, interests, and beliefs is central to any relationship. It's not enough to be named team leader if you want to get the cooperation of others -- especially when the people on your team aren't your direct reports.
"Anybody at any level in any organization has to influence people who influence other people," Bradt says. "You have to co-create a shared purpose and drive toward the cause, and they don't teach you that in school."
The simplest way to learn someone else's perspective is to ask, and then listen carefully to the answer. You can also read body language and consult with colleagues.
Perspective taking is particularly useful when it comes to your boss. These days, supervisors and managers have more responsibilities and stress than ever -- typically with fewer resources. They're often doing the same job that two people would've filled a decade ago.
"You are there to help them and to make them look good. Any way you can do that, do it," says Klaus. "Look at the personal side of that boss rather than as a figurehead. Think about him or her as a person. The compassion, empathy, is really important."
Time management
Look at your to-do list. To get to the bottom, would you need to work solidly for a day? A week? A month? A quarter? You're not alone. We all have more tasks and responsibilities than hours in the day it would take to complete them. The answer is to prioritize rigorously and manage your own energy.
"The whole secret to time management comes down to saying, 'No, thank you. If I take on that project, I won't do the other ones well,' " Bradt says. If your supervisor or teammates demand that you shoulder more tasks, insist that they provide additional resources, give a later deadline, or help you decide which of your other responsibilities to off-load. It doesn't benefit anyone to keep saying yes, whether that's to new projects, conference calls at inconvenient times, or other additional work. You'll end up burnt out with a mediocre track record.
Instead of letting other people's problems and urgent requests dictate the shape of your day, decide for yourself which tasks you need to complete personally and do well, and make those your first priority. List them on a sticky note on your wall if you need to be reminded of them when emails or calls distract you. |