迈克•阿博特是凯鹏华盈风险投资公司(Kleiner Perkins Caufield & Byers)的合伙人。他曾是Twitter公司的前工程副总裁。2011年,他带着丰富的工程领域经验加入了凯鹏华盈,如今专注于数字领域的投资。迈克•阿博特从加州州立理工大学(California Polytechnic State University)获得生物化学学士学位之后,又在华盛顿大学(University of Washington)拿到了分子生物学和药理学的博士学位。我们向迈克•阿博特提出了十个问题,这些问题都是有关他在工作和家庭中所取得的成就。而他也与我们分享了自己获取新闻信息的渠道,曾经错过的最好机会以及他为什么想要生活在阿根廷和尼泊尔。
1. 迄今为止,你得到的最好的建议是什么? “全力向前”。简单来说,这句话的意思就是执着必有回报。生活中总是充满着各种各样的挑战,周围环境风云变幻的时候,唯有执着于自己的目标,才是不断前行的保障。
2. 你最近刚读完的一本书是什么? 苏珊•凯恩的《安静》(Quiet )。这本书既对我个人所困惑和挣扎的一些问题有所启发,还让我更富于同理心。
3. 对于即将要进入职场的年轻人,你有什么好的建议? 我的建议就是多做少说。在职场中,最重要的就是你的核心技能和与别人沟通的能力。要和朋友、家人或是同事多多交流互动,培养对工作和生活有益的技能。
4. 你错失过的最好的机会是什么? 我错过的最大的机会也是我做过的最正确的决定。几年前,我拒绝出任Facebook公司工程副总裁一职,因为我要去追求一位女孩,而她现在就是我的太太。
5. 你是怎样获取新闻和信息的? 我主要是聆听那些我有幸能够遇到的人以及我在Twitter上所关注的对象;另外,我还会通过阅读获取信息,特别是学术期刊、博客以及纸质版期刊。我在跑步和游泳的时候则会思考。
6. 你在学校中学到的最重要的事是什么? 注意力高度集中的重要性。那种能够主动屏蔽外界的干扰,把注意力完全集中在一个问题或想法上的能力非常强大。坦白来说,我觉得在当前这种“注意力经济”的时代,要做到“一心不二用”的确非常困难。 |
Mike Abbott is a partner at Kleiner Perkins Caufield & Byers, a venture capital firm. As the former vice president of engineering at Twitter, he brought his experience to the firm in 2011 and now focuses on digital investments. He has a bachelor's degree in biochemistry from California Polytechnic State University and has completed coursework toward a Ph.D. in molecular biology/pharmacology from the University of Washington. We asked him 10 questions about his accomplishments at both work and home. Find out below how he gets his news, his biggest missed opportunity, and what he would rather be doing in Argentina and Nepal.
Fortune's annual Brainstorm Tech conference brings together the best and brightest minds in tech innovation. Fortune periodically turns the spotlight on a different conference attendee to offer their personal insight into business, tech, and entrepreneurship.
1. What is the best advice you ever received? "Just keep pushing." In short, it pays to be persistent. Life always presents challenges on many fronts, and focusing where you want to go can keep you stable when your world around you is spinning.
2. What was the last book you read? Quiet by Susan Cain. Found it both helpful for areas that I struggle with personally, as well as to help me have more empathy.
3. What would you say to a group of young people looking to enter the tough job market? Focus on just doing not talking. In the end, what matters are your core skills and how you communicate them to others. Go build things that help you in life -- whether interacting with friends, family and/or co-workers.
4. What was your biggest missed opportunity? My biggest missed opportunity was also the best decision I've ever made. I turned down the opportunity to be VP of engineering at Facebook (FB) several years ago in order to pursue the woman who is now my wife.
5. How do you get your news? I primarily listen to folks that I have the privilege to meet with, the folks I follow on Twitter, and I read, in particular, academic journals, blogs, and the paper version of several periodicals. And then I contemplate while running and swimming.
6. What was the most important thing you learned in school? The importance of intense focus. The ability to shut out external "noise" and apply your mind to one problem/thought is incredibly powerful. Frankly, I am finding this increasingly difficult to do in our attention economy. |