

Poets & Quants 2013年12月04日

8. 达特茅斯大学塔克商学院

• 得分:93.6
• GMAT平均分:719
• 录取率:20.8%
• 2013年平均基本工资:115,000美元

小。气氛融洽。默契和协作。说起在达特茅斯大学(Dartmouth)塔克商学院(Tuck School of Business)攻读MBA的经历,学生们都会这么形容。塔克商学院位于偏远的新罕布什尔州汉诺威市。学院的学生和教授的关系非常融洽。这所学校宣布,连续第三年有超过70%的校友为学院捐款。这是非常了不起的成就,因为在前20家商学院中,校友捐款比例仅有20%左右。


8.  Dartmouth - Tuck

• Index: 93.6
• Average GMAT: 719
• Acceptance rate: 20.8%
• 2013 median base salary: $115,000

Small. Intimate. Cozy and collaborative. That is how students describe the MBA experience at Dartmouth's Tuck School of Business in rural Hanover, N.H., where students and professors get to know each other remarkably well. The school announced that for the third consecutive year, more than 70% of its alumni have contributed money to the school. That's quite an achievement, considering the average alumni giving rate for a top 20 business school is about 20%.

The participation rate is often considered the best and most visible sign of the alumni network's loyalty to the school and its willingness to help current students. The generosity of Tuck's alumni reflects, in part, the strong bonds MBA students make with each other and the school during their two-year MBA experience. But it's also a reflection of a world-class fundraising operation that heavily involves alumni and makes giving something of a competition. "Tuck alums feel as strongly about the school as people do to their first-born children," says Dawna Clarke, director of admissions.

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