

Anne VanderMey 2014年01月17日


    确实,过去几年,高盛的日子并不好过。它先是遭遇金融危机,紧接着在美国政府的救助计划中接受了100亿美元的救助。后来,面对SEC针对它次贷产品的审查,这家公司不得不付出5.5亿美元达成和解。此外,它还要面对美国司法部的调查(后来调查被中止)。此后,对于高盛的抨击遍地开花,从午夜脱口秀,到奥巴马,以及一系列批评公司道德的新书等。其中当然也少不了媒体的声音,最著名的是2009年,《滚石》杂志(Rolling Stone)把这家公司比作一只吸血乌贼。它还要面临另外一个难题:监管机构采取严厉措施遏制高盛最擅长的高风险交易。然而,这些批评和嘲讽并没有影响到商界——它的客户依然忠诚,而且在2010年,“缅因街”(代表普通大众——译注)对华尔街的反感达到最高潮的时候,这家公司在《财富》“全球最受赞赏的公司”榜单(World's Most Admired Companies)上的名次依然上升了七位。但尽管如此,几乎每一篇文章仍然把高盛比喻成“吸血乌贼”。





    Above all else, employees say, it's the opportunity to work with, and count yourself among, an ultra-elite group. Less than 3% of 97,600 applicants for analyst and associate roles won a seat at the firm last year, making it twice as hard to get into as Harvard. That, plus what employees describe as a flat, consensus-driven, collaborative culture (there are 188 references to "team" in those 62 pages), is what they say they like about their company. "You don't have to be the smartest person, but it's probably the highest combination of smart and interesting and interested-in-the-world kind of people," says Lloyd Blankfein, the 31-year veteran who became chairman and CEO in 2006 and who, according to the most recent SEC filing, has more than 21 million reasons to agree that Goldman Sachs is a splendid company to work for.

    To be sure, the past few years have been anything but easy at Goldman. There was the financial crisis and ensuing bailout, in which it took $10 billion from the government. There was scrutiny that led to a $550 million settlement with the SEC over a subprime-mortgage product, and a Department of Justice inquiry (which was later dropped). There was Goldman-bashing everywhere, from late-night talk shows to President Obama to a round of books critical of the firm's ethics. And there was the press -- most notably the 2009 Rolling Stone article that compared the company to a vampire squid. Yet another challenge: regulators cracking down to stamp out the type of risky trading Goldman always did best. The business community never quite shared the vitriol -- clients stayed loyal, and in 2010, even as Main Street's antipathy toward Wall Street crested, the firm climbed seven spots in Fortune's list of the World's Most Admired Companies. But that doesn't always help when almost every article about the company still refers to that cephalopod.

    It's true, though, that if Goldman is a great place to work, no one would ever call it an easy place to work. The pressure can be intense. But employees say the upside of admission makes it worthwhile -- and many say those difficult years after the meltdown had the effect of bringing people together in a way that boosted corporate self-esteem. "I will always believe that the culture was one of the most important factors in getting us through the crisis," says John Rogers, the firm's executive vice president and chief of staff to its last three CEOs.

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